Fights And A Letter

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Anne's POV

How dare he?

Who goes around telling people that no one loves them... As more than a friend.

His relationship with Josie is a joke anyways.

I quietly looked up and made eye contact with him. I immediately looked down to my plate again.

Why did he have to sit right in front of me?

"I'm finished. Does anyone want me to put their plate in the sink?" I asked as I got up. When everybody said no. I made my way to the kitchen.

"It was really rude of me." said a voice and I yelled in fear. I came across the last person I wanted to see... Gilbert Blythe.

I turned cold...

"Which time? You're going to have to be a little bit more specific." I said as I looked at him.

"You know what?" said Gilbert and I could see him getting angrier as he put his plate in the sink and crossed his arms.

"What?" I said with hatred in my voice.

"A rivalry includes more than one person, so before you go and judge me. Think... Is it because I am being rude to him?" asked Gilbert, pretending to think.

"I treat you, like you deserve to be treated." I said, coldly.

"That's cold, but I am not surprised." said Gilbert as my temper was rising by the second.

"No, wonder your parents fight all the time. It's probably because you exist and make their lives harder." I said and as soon as those words left my mouth, I froze and guilt started to take over me.

Gilbert's eyes started to fill with tears and I saw him slowly giving up and building his wall back up. Yet, as always. He tried to look brave.

"I-" I tried to apologize but he interrupted me.

"You should know better than anyone, how much this subject effects me. You are the only person, I talked about it. Not Charlie or Billy but you..." He chuckled coldly. "I knew you hated me, but not so much as to use something like this against me." said Gilbert as I tried to approach him, but he put his hand up, motioning for me to stop and walked away. While, I saw him whipping his eyes.

"GILBERT." yelled Charlie and run after him.

Tears started to blur my vision. How can I have been so stupid? Just to win an immature fight.

"Anne?" somebody whispered and I looked up and came across Diana.

"I hurt him. I know we fight but I didn't mean to. I'm not heartless, I promise." I said as I fell in her embrace.

"Shhh. I know." whispered Diana as I was choking back a sob.

I let go of her embrace and went towards the window.

I saw Gilbert sitting next to Charlie talking... Well, Charlie was, Gilbert was silent.

I nodded to myself and looked at Diana.

"I'm going to go and apologize. But, first things first. My letter..." I said as I looked around. "AHA." I yelled as I hugged it tightly. I walked outside the kitchen and Josie walked up to me. Here we go...

"Listen, Shirley-Cuthbert..." started Josie but I simply continued walking not paying attention to her as I opened the door.

Finally, I stood behind Gilbert and tapped him on the shoulder.

He turned and looked at me. He quickly stood up, wiped his tears with his sleeve and gave me a cold stare. Waiting for me to speak...

"I'm sorry..." I said scared of his reaction.

"You're sorry? Hmmm... I don't remember you accepting mine in there, so why would I accept yours?" He asked with a heartless laugh.

"If I forgive you, will you forgive me too?" I asked, hopefully.

"No." answered Gilbert and I saw Charlie swiftly walking away.

"I wrote this for you..." I said as I shyly showed him the letter, trying to make him hate me slightly less.

"Wow. I didn't think that you would spend about five minutes of your life. Writing something for me." said Gilbert, obviously not caring.

"I wrote this... The day your grandpa died. When you were fourteen." I said quietly.

That had gotten Gilbert's attention.

"Okay then, if you want me to know what's in the letter then... Read it me." said Gilbert as he crossed his arms, challenging me whilst he raised an eyebrow.

"W-What?" I asked, not expecting this to happen whatsoever.

Gilbert pointed at the letter.

I nodded shyly and cleared my throat. Looking at the letter and then Gilbert over and over again. Slowly, praying for something to happen so I wouldn't have to go through this, but of course nothing happened.

"Dear Gil-boy,

We haven't been talking much lately and I don't know why. But, this doesn't mean that I don't care about you.

I want you to know that you can always tell me anything and I'll always be there to listen.

You made a new friend called Charlie when you were ten and I really liked him. But, the other guy Billy, the one you became friends with a couple of months ago, seems like a big headed jerk... No offense.

You also have a girlfriend... Josie. How could you? You know my past with her, yet you are dating her. I thought you cared. But, I was wrong... I am wrong.

She is bullying me all the time. You don't do anything about it because you think that, that would be mean. We started to argue a lot lately. I hope it won't stay this way because I missed you. You're my favourite kindred spirit.

I'm deeply sorry for your grandpa's death. Mr Blythe was a kind man. He is actually the one who taught me how to make a flower crown. I made one for you but I can't give it to you since now we're supposed to hate each other.

He will always be with you. As long as you remember him. I hope you know that whatever happens I'll be there.

Yours sincerely,

Anne Shirley-Cuthbert."

I hesitantly looked back at Gilbert as he had tears in his eyes and a shocked expression. Also, he had soft smile as he looked at me in awe.

He opened his mouth, ready to finally say something...

I'm actually really proud of this one. I wasn't going to post but I had a bit of free time and I thought that you deserve it for being so supportive. Did you like it? ♥

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