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Jerry's POV

"Y-You like me?"


"As a friend?"

I hit my hand on my face.

"Yes, Diana as a friend. That's why he went through all the trouble to tell you... Hey, Diana we established that we are friend but I'm going to admit my love for Gilbert just to remind you that." I said annoyed and Anne turned to Gilbert.

"Admit his love?"

"I was asking him for a favor." interrupted Charlie.

"Quite passionately. You could cut the tension with a knife." I said and the next thing I knew was Ruby hitting me at the back of my head.

"Diana, Charlie likes you." said Anne slowly.

"Don't get all smart on me, Anne. It took you over three years to realize that Gilbert liked you." said Diana and I tried to hold my laugh.

"You like like me?" asked Diana as she looked back at Charlie.

This is so boring. I am going to get some raspberry cordial. Maybe, it will keep me awake.


"I like like you too." said Diana and Charlie's smile widen as he went to hug her.


"Yes, we are together." said Diana with a chuckle.


I started to whistle not realizing that I was supposed to stay quiet and everybody turned and looked at me.

"Alright. I'm leaving. God. I have to go to my parents anyways. Right Ruby?" I asked and Ruby pretended like she didn't remember it.

"I don't quite recall. Maybe, we can go next year." said Ruby and I held her hand as I waved goodbye to everybody.

"Calm down, Ruby."

"They'll hate me."

"You are the most beautiful girl I've ever met inside and out."

"I know, but that's not comforting. My competition is a girl with a temper, a girl with too much oblivion and a girl that is mean."

The next thing I did was pull her lightly or else she wouldn't walk. Until, I turned and looked back at her which caused me to bumped into someone. Violet.

"Let me help you with those papers. " I said as Ruby swiftly put one in her jacket... my jacket's pocket.

"I'm good." said Violet with a smile and left.

Alright then...

"Ruby, that's invasion of privacy."

"Oh well."

"... What does it say?"

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