We Are The Perfect Two

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Gilbert's POV

"I... Um... I actually wrote a letter too. The day I met you... As soon as I went home. I was five. So, don't except anything as well written as yours." I said as I lightly laughed and pulled my letter from my back pocket.

"I was planing on giving you this in the kitchen, but you know..." I continued as I looked down.

"It's sweet but nothing fancy if that's what you except..." I finished, buying myself some time but Anne wasn't having it and took the letter from my hand.

"Dear Anne-girl,

You are without a doubt the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on. I tried to hold in my tears when I realized how excited you were about seeing your parents, even though I knew that you wouldn't have that chance.

I want you to know that I will always be by your side, even if we are a thousand miles away. You'll always be in my heart. So, this way I know that you won't ever leave me.

I tried to write something in order to make you smile. Because, I promised myself that I would give you this letter when you would be old enough to know about your parents and need to know that you'll never be on your own.

You can be the knowledge in my brain and my heart's beat. You can be the cordial in my raspberry. You can be my little carrot and I'll be your slate face. You can be my best friend and I'll be yours. You can be the hands that I hold tightly. You can be the butterflies I feel in my belly.

Me and you are meant to be. Like the stars that shine during the night. I'll hold you close to my heart. Because, I know that you're the one who has my heart. Because, I know that you're the one I want to marry.


The handsome Gil-boy"

Anne stopped reading and stared at the paper in her hands for a few moments.

I on the other hand was blushing furiously.

"This is something... Um... Thoughtful." said Anne, having a hard time to find the right words.

I started to be uncomfortable, so I quickly turned in order to walk away, when Anne held my hand and told me to stay with hope in her eyes. I nodded and she quickly let go.

"Gil, I think that maybe we-" Anne got interrupted.

"Gil." said Josie as she literally threw herself at me.

"Josie, we talked about this." I said as I let go.

"I thought that it was a spur of the moment kind of thing." said Josie as her eyes dropped.

"I'm so sorry, Josie but I meant it. I hope we can be friends. But, you can't tell me that you didn't want this relationship to end as much as I did." I said as I gave her a side hug.

"I guess..." said Josie as a tear fell from her eye.

"Josie..." I tried to say but she let go of the hug, whipped her eyes and started to leave, bumping on Anne before she left. But, what shocked me was that she turned around.

"I'm sorry, Anne." said Josie as she nodded and walked away.

I was the only one who knew this side of her and that's why I wanted to date her. Her parents always tell her how to act or dress and she has to go under too much pressure. All the mean things she says, she doesn't mean them. Her parents made her say them because they believe that it makes her stronger. She is actually one of the nicest people out there. She is like a sister to me and I would give any person who would hurt her a piece of my mind.

"This is new." said Anne as she looked behind her in shock.

"Yes... At least she might date, Billy now. I heard that she liked him. He on the other hand, talks about her nonstop." I said as I smiled softly knowing that they both were in good hands.

"Excuse me, this is for you Anne." said Cole as he quickly run towards her and handed her a piece of paper.

"Take care of him. I'm basically giving you my brother. I will give you a piece of my mind if you don't.

- The Josie to the Pye."

I chuckled as I felt proud of Josie.

"That's new. Did Josie fall of a cliff or something? I hate staying in the dark." said Cole and then he stopped and smirked at me and Anne.

"Are you two together now?"

"What? Of course not. We barely started talking. That won't ever happen. We are just close to being friends." said Anne as I nodded in agreement and disappointed.

Cole just winked at me and left. I gave him a look and a smile. Then, I turned and looked at Anne who was already looking at me.

"This is the sweetest thing..." said Anne as she let out a sigh.

"Not as sweet as you naming one of your dolls after me." I winked as I tried to lighten up the mood.

"Well, you named one doll after me. I thought it was only fair." said Anne as she chuckled.

"You said that you named me after him because I was.. 'A brown haired boy with curly hair, hazel eyes and I had a Cheshire cat's smile.' I never knew what it meant but I remember looking everywhere to find that cat." I said as I chuckled.

"It means an obvious or a silly smile." said Anne with a small smile.


We started walking silently and as soon as we reached the door. Anne gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and run inside. I just sat there looking into space with a silly smile on my face and a faint blush on my cheeks.

Did you like it? One part of Gilbert's letter was inspired from the song perfect two. Posting again next week. ♥

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