I Can Be The Juliet To Your Romeo

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Anne's POV

"Wake up." I said as I hit Gilbert on his face with a pillow.

"...Or you can come and sleep next to me?" said Gilbert with a teasing smile whilst his eyes were still closed.

"Yes, and then we can run away and live a happily ever after, but our parents won't approve it. Like Romeo and Juliet." I said sarcastically as I continued to hit him with a pillow.

"Call us whatever you want, beautiful. It sounds good to me. I know we will be together until our last breaths."

"Romeo and Juliet died..."

"Everybody dies at some point."

"Juliet was thirteen." I continued as I rolled my eyes, he won't have an answer now.

"Romeo's age is unknown though. In my opinion, they didn't fall for each other because there's no such thing as love at first sight. It's unrealistic. That was lust. Maybe, it turned into love later on. But, I doubt it. Especially, when they're that young. I fell for you when I was a kid, yet it took me quite a while to realize it. Or maybe, I knew I just didn't do anything about it." said Gilbert with a shrug as he opened his eyes.

"Do you remember, when we met and I said something between the lines... Do you want to play with my dolls?" I said with a baby's voice.

"I hated that day." said Gilbert with a pout as he finally looked at me.

"Why?" I asked, as my heart shuttered slowly.

"Because, I had to pretend that everything was alright, when I knew that you would be getting your heart broken soon." said Gilbert as he pulled me towards him whilst he sat up.

"I remember how excited I was." I said as I sat next to him.

"I saw it in your eyes. I hated the fact that the light that was shining in them would have to disappear." said Gilbert as he took me in his arms.

"It was my fault they died..."

"What? It was a fever." said Gilbert as he let go and tried to make any sort of eye contact with me.

"They were perfectly fine before I was born." I said as I played with my braids whilst looking at my hands.

"Nobody gets to choose these things, your parents or you didn't get to choose when they would get a fever." said Gilbert with a sympathetic voice whilst he took me in his arms.

"I don't know..."

"Let's sleep for a bit."

"I can't..."

"Why not?"

"I have homework."

Gilbert simply rolled his eyes and pulled me down with him whilst kissing my forehead.

"This is my favourite." whispered Gilbert as he closed his eyes.

"What about when you go on adventures with Bash and Charlie?" I asked as I carresed his face.

"Those are great. But, I don't have my flower with me, so they're not complete."

"You have your friends."

"I don't have the one who has my heart though, and it's kind of hard to love a moment without it."

"That's not possible. You have a heart." I said as I looked at him confused and pointed at his heart.

"That's not what I meant..." said Gilbert as he opened his eyes.

"You have mine." I said and closed me eyes and put my head on his chest.

"I didn't then." laughed Gilbert and gave me a pout.

"You always did. I just didn't know it. You were patient and look where we are now." I said and Gilbert kissed my cheek.

"I wouldn't change it for the world, angel." said Gilbert and we were about to fall asleep when Jerry walked inside.

"You guys disgust me. You're the reason why girls have high expectations about relationships. It's really not okay." said Jerry with a pout as he sat on the other couch.

"Ruby is still ignoring you?" asked Gilbert as he gave him a pity look.

"Yeah..." said Jerry. "UGHHH. WHY DO PEOPLE SAY THINGS... AND THEN, DISAPPEAR?" yelled Jerry saddened.

"I told her to come here at four." said Anne with a yawn.

"We're going to go on a walk... And you can talk to her. Get up, princess." said Gilbert as he tried to get up but I wouldn't even flinch.

"I'm tired."

"We can go and visit Cole." said Gilbert and I immediately stood up.

"Friends are like siblings, that gracious Heavenly father didn't give us. Cole is my friend so he is like my brother, Diana is my friend so she is like my sister. Gilbert is my friend, so he is like-"

"Don't finish that sentence, Anne." said Gilbert as he put his hand on my mouth and pulled me away whilst he gave a thumbs up and a 'don't worry about it' facial expression to Jerry.

But, all Jerry did was laugh.

Gilbert opened the door and as soon as he did we came across a very confused Ruby...All Gilbert did was make a hand gesture to let her know that she could walk inside and run outside, closing the door behind us.

"Pull the door." said Gilbert.

"I can be the only one pulling it, Gil. I'm very strong. Why can't I? Because, I am not 'man' enough to do so?" I asked with a scoff.

"It's because Ruby is really strong for such a tiny little person." said Gilbert as he let go of the handle.

The door opened instantly but we didn't realize, and Jerry and Ruby chose to be quiet.

"I'm strong too."

"I never said you weren't." said Gilbert with a sigh and a bored facial expression.

"You implied it."


"I don't know. When you opened that big mouth of yours?"

"I have a big mouth now?"

"Well... Theoretically speaking."  I said as I turned my head to the side.

Gilbert's face started to get redder as he tried to hold his anger... Then, he started laughing. Oh, I guess it wasn't anger after all.

"You like my mouth, carrots?" said Gilbert with a smirk.

"Oh my Goodness." I said as I started walking away whilst waving my hands in the air in frustration.

"Wow. I didn't know you liked them that much. Want a kiss?" said Gilbert as he started to tear up from laughing.

"Do you want to get the silent treatment?" I said I came to a stop.

"From you? It's impossible."

Then, I stayed silent and held my head high as I walked away with Gilbert following.

"Come on, angel. I was just kidding." said Gilbert as he continued laughing and following me like a lost puppy.

I figured you deserve some Shirbert. Have a nice day. Lots of love. ♥

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