Why Aren't I Good Enough?

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Gilbert's POV

I raised an eyebrow as I saw Anne quietly trying to calm herself down.

"I know I am beautiful. But, I didn't know that it was so shocking for you to realize." said Josie as she looked at Anne.

"Josie, you really are beautiful. But, your face is not the first thing I want to see as soon as I open my eyes." said Anne as she sat up.

Josie just scoffed and crossed her arms.

"Did you have a nightmare?" asked Diana concerned as she sat next to me.

"Well, I wouldn't exactly say nightmare. Until, the last second." said Anne as she looked at me.

What did I do?

"Which part scared you?" asked Brian who stood there silently.

"A really good view changing into Josie... No offense." said Anne and I had to hold my laugh.

"What kind of view?" I asked curiously.

"A-a... Um... Jane Eyre?" asked Anne, herself.

"Are you asking or telling us?" asked Billy as he chuckled.

"Telling you?" asked Anne again and Billy raised his eyebrow.

"Telling you..." said Anne as she clapped her hands.

She was never a good liar.

Then, silence fell into the room. It was like everybody was having a silent agreement and they didn't include me or Anne. They were basically smirking at each other.

"Three....." started Charlie.

"Two....." continued Billy.

"What is going on?" I asked, kind of scared.

"One." said everybody and they run out of the room, leaving me and Anne... And Josie.

"I'm not going anywhere." stated Josie and Billy came back into the room and held her hand, dragging her out of the room.

"Alright, just because you are stronger than me." said Josie and Billy closed the door behind them.

"That was weird..." I said as I looked at Anne and she seemed uncomfortable.

She simply nodded and did everything she could in order to not make any sort of eye contact with me.

"About what happened yesterday....." I started as I sat down on the chair next to her bed.

"What I did yesterday was unforgettable and immature of me and it won't ever happen again." said Anne and the small glimmer of hope I had started to fall.

"What I meant -" I tried one more time but got interrupted by Anne.

"It was a mistake." said Anne firmly and just like that, I felt tears starting to well up in my eyes and I nodded my head. I quickly stood up and walked towards the door, turning the handle and walking out.

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