Trains And Imagination

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Anne's POV

We finally went inside and sat on our seats. I sat next to Diana and Charlie sat with Gilbert in front of us... So, basically Gilbert was sitting right in front of me.

"If I wasn't a human girl I think I'd like to be a bee and live among the flowers." I whispered, not realizing that I had said it out loud. While, I looked outside the window.

"I think I would be a maned wolf..." said Gilbert and I looked at him in shock. No one has ever responded like that, so imaginative.

"Why?" I asked as I sat up straight up.

"For starters, they have a beautiful orange colour and the most beautiful eyes. It is not a fox, wolf, coyote, dog or a jackal, but a distinct canid." I raised my hand to ask a question.

"What is a canid?" I asked in admiration.

"It is a lineage of carnivorans that includes domestic dogs, wolves, coyotes, foxes, jackals, dingoes, and many other extant and extinct dog-like mammals." I explained and Anne nodded.

"I don't need more explaining. I read about all of these beautiful animals. But, please do go on." I said as I put my face in my palms and looked at him. He seemed a bit taken aback by my excitement but he chuckled and continued whilst shaking his head.

"Generally, the maned wolf is shy and flees when alarmed, so it poses little direct threat to humans."

"How tragical..." I whispered without realizing and Gilbert's smile widen.

"Indeed. Popularly, the maned wolf is thought to have the potential of being a chicken thief." said Gilbert as I nodded, letting him know I was listening.

"Marilla, would get upset if she had to go through that." I said whilst laughing.

"She would." agreed Gilbert with a smile.

"That was so extraordinary. Absolutely beautiful. I would love to see a maned wolf." I said, dreamily.

"I know..." whispered Gilbert as he looked at me in adoration.

I cleared my throat and looked away.

"Diana..." I started to say and I turned to my right but she was long gone, with Charlie.

"Of course he would leave." whispered Gilbert in annoyance.

He opened the paper that Bash gave him and he gasped in shock.

"What is it?" I asked as I tried to read the paper.

"He has a daughter too and he named her Anne Mary." said Gilbert with a shocked expression.

"The poor child." I said with sadness in my voice.

"I think that they child is lucky. Her name means 'favour or grace. Prayer or God has favoured me.' It's so meaningful." said Gilbert as he put the letter into his back pocket.

"What does your name mean?" I asked, curiously.

"I don't know..." said Gilbert as he shrugged.

"I know." I said and Gilbert looked a bit taken aback. "It means 'oath' in a lot of countries. But, if you asked Jerry he would say 'bright lad'. Which I think it describes you really well." I said with a kind smile.

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