An Honest Opinion And Failed Attempts

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A few moments earlier

Anne's POV

Gilbert simply stood up and walked out, without saying another word.

I sat there, confused.

What did I say?

"Anne...?" said Diana as she opened the door and walked inside with Ruby and Josie.

" I thought that my red hair is my life long sorrow. But, I'm afraid my mouth is." I said quietly.

"I won't argue with that." said Josie as she sat on a seat. That, Gilbert once sat.

"Josie." said Ruby with an annoyed look.

"I'm not being rude. I'm being honest. You should learn the difference." said Josie to Ruby.

I shook my head as Ruby completely ignored her.

"What happened?" asked Diana.

Then, I started to get angry.

"How dare he walk out, while I'm talking to him about something important?"

"What did you tell him?" asked Diana, calmly.

"That the kiss I gave him on the cheek was a mistake." I said as I pretended to look around.

"What?" asked Diana and Josie in sync.

"Are you mad?" asked Ruby, who looked at me like I was crazy.

"No, I'm reasonable and mature." I said as I looked up.

"More like thick and rude." snapped Josie.

"Excuse me?" I asked as I looked at her in shock.

"Girls. Leave us alone for a bit." said Josie with a much calmer tone and the girls walked outside.

"Why would you do this?" asked Josie as she sat on the bed next to me.

"Why did I do what?" I asked, pretending to be clueless.

"Anne. I am not Diana or Cole. I won't act nice because we're not best friends or something. But, you need someone to put in your place. You're lucky enough that it's me." said Josie.

"I don't need help." I said as I was about to stand up.

"Sit down." snapped Josie.

"I won't." I said as I challenged her.

"Anne, don't cross me." said Josie and I knew that she was right.

So, I sat back down.

"Gilbert walked outside your room, basically crying and I know that you're the cause." said Josie, coldly.

"I am not." I tried to interrupt her.

"I'm not done... Gilbert barely cries. I only saw him cry once and that time was when he went home and realized that you would have to be told that your parents were dead someday, but until then you thought that they were on a vacation or something." said Josie as she waved her hands.

"That's what I've been told..."

"I'm not blaming you for that, Anne. You were a kid." said Josie as she gave me a reassuring nod.

"Then, why are we having this conversation?" I asked, defeated.

"If you stopped talking for more than ten seconds, maybe I would be able to tell you." snapped Josie and I just looked down embarrassed.

"I've known him for a while. He is a good hearted and considered guy, who would never do anything to hurt anyone, at least on purpose. He cares about you way more than he would like to admit. Don't use this against him. Especially since you care about him as much." said Josie as she nodded for me to talk.

"What did I do to cause him pain? " I asked, perplexed.

"Anne... You reject any kind gesture he does towards you. Then, you do something kind and you say that it was a mistake." said Josie as she looked at me, patiently.

"I'm in the depths of despair..." I whispered.

"...Well, get out of there." said Josie as she lightly chuckled.

"I can't..." I continued and Josie looked at me with sadness in her eyes.

"Anne, does the perfect story for you end with a wedding? If yes to who?" asked Josie as she obviously was giving up.

"It’s so much more romantic to end a story up with a funeral than a wedding." I said dreamily.

"Of course, you would say that." said Josie as she lightly hit her head with her hand.

"GUYS, QUICKLY COME DOWNSTAIRS." shouted Diana as she opened the door whilst me and Josie instantly got to our feet and run downstairs.

"Alright, now we have to wait for Gilbert, Charlie and Jerry to come back." said Diana as she tried to stay calm.

Then, the door opened.

"Finally, you're here." said Diana as she looked at them, annoyed.

"Don't blame me. I was looking for them. They were literally by a lake." said Jerry as he looked at Diana.

"I don't care. I need to make an announcement. One... Two... Three... Okay everyone is here. So, Miss Stacy sent someone to come here and that man gave me a letter." said Diana as she opened the letter.

"Dear students,

This is your teacher Miss Stacy. I'm writing this letter to inform you, that you'll need to come back to Avonlea.

I know that you've been there for like a day, but something serious has happened and you'll need to come here immediately.

You are leaving at 4pm. So, get your things ready and go to the train station. Make sure you are together. I hope you had fun.

Yours sincerely,
Miss Stacy"

"What could have happened?" asked a worried Jerry.

"I hope nothing too bad." continued Brian.

"It's obviously bad since we have to leave." answered Josie.

"That's a good point." agreed Diana.

"We should get our things ready." said Ruby and we went towards our rooms.

I tried to approach Gilbert, but he completely ignored me. I looked down and walked inside my room.

Me and the girls talked, packed and ate. Now, it was time to go.

I was sitting on a bench. Next to Josie and Billy, when I stood up and went to another bench.

Unfortunately, the only one that there was space for me to sit at, was the one that Gilbert was sitting at.

"May I seat here?" I asked as formally as possible.

He simply nodded and I sat next to him, I was about to talk to him, when he opened his book and started reading... This is awkward.

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