Roses And Losers

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Gilbert's POV

"There is nothing more aggravating than a man who won't talk back - unless it is a woman who won't." said Anne as she looked in front of her.

I pretended like I didn't hear her, but of course she continued talking with that beautiful voice of hers.

"One can't stay sad for long in such an interesting world, can one?" continued Anne as she looked at me.

I didn't react, waiting for her to finish.

"It would be so much easier to be good looking if one’s hair was handsome auburn, don’t you think?" said Anne and I felt hurt of how low she thought of herself.

"You always look beautiful, Anne." I said as I ignored her stare. Anne, on the other hand was startled. I could see from the corner of my eye, that she started to smile.

"I don't know... My hair is my life long sorrow."

"Why would it be? It has the colour of a rose. Isn't it the most romantic flower?" I asked as I finally looked at her and she looked back at me in awe.

"I never thought of it, that way..." said Anne and looked away.

I nodded in understanding and looked back at my book, hoping to at least, finish the first chapter of it.

"Me, Diana, Ruby and Jane have a writing group. Jane's stories are too sensible. Then Diana puts too much murders into hers. She says most of the time she doesn't know what to do with the people so she kills them off to get rid of them. Ruby on the other hand always writes about a poor guy who falls in love with a princess." I chuckled, shaking my head.

"In my defence..." said Diana as she stood in front of us.

"I have an interesting but different writing style and no one else has it. It makes it unique." said Diana as she nodded at us and walked away.

I quietly chuckled and Anne joined.

I closed my book, figuring out that I wouldn't be reading as long as Anne was sitting next to me.

"Blythe?" asked a voice behind me.

I turned around and I came across one of my closest friends.

"Bash." I said as I quickly hugged him and Charlie run towards us and hugged him too.

As soon as we let go. Bash noticed Anne. He smiled and he shook her hand.

"Bash, this confused... Charlie... And this moke's... Gilbert. Friend." I am going to kill him.

"Anne Shirley-Cuthbert." said Anne with a smile. "But, please make sure to spell Anne with an 'e'." said Anne.

"I will make sure not to forget. Anne with an e." chuckled Bash.

"If you don't mind me asking. What does moke mean? I haven't heard this word before." asked Anne, curiously.

"It has a lot of different meanings. But, I mean loser." said Bash with a kind smile and I swear I wanted to wiped it right off.

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