Family Conflicts And Talks

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Gilbert's POV

I saw as Anne walked away with Cole and I knew that Anne was in for a deep trouble. I knew Marilla since I was a baby, since my parents and her were close with both Marilla and Matthew. I met Anne when I was five... When, unfortunately her parents died and she had been adopted by her aunt and uncle Marilla and Matthew.

Flashback Begins

"Gilbert love. Come and meet Anne." said Gilbert's mum.

"Who is Anne?" asked a five year old Gilbert.

"Mr and Mrs Shirley's kid. Remember when I told you how they died because of fever about a week ago? Anne will have to live with her aunt now." said Gilbert's mum.

"How old is she?" asked Gilbert.

"Three years old." said his mother.

"Okay.....Can I meet her now?" asked Gilbert, excitedly.

"Of course. Come on..." said Gilbert's mum and started for Green Gables.

When he finally got there. Gilbert's mum knocked on the door and Marilla opened it, her smile becoming wider as soon she saw me.

I immediately hugged her. Me and Marilla were close. She was like a second mother to me... But, I'll have to admit. I was a bit closer to Matthew.

"Anne, love come here. I want you to meet someone. Please." said Marilla and a girl a little bit shorter than me joined us.

"Hello." said Anne with a kind smile as she shook his hand.

Gilbert thought that her hair had the most beautiful colour... Red. She had the most adorable freckles. Her eyes were grey with a bit of green in them.

"H-Hello." said Gilbert, enchanted by how beautiful she was.

"Want to play dollies with me?" asked a smiling Anne.

"Of course." said a blushing Gilbert as he went inside the house.

"Marilla said my parents went on a trip. Isn't it wonderful? She said that they are in a better place now. I can't wait for them to come back and tell me everything about it. For now, I want to be friends with you, if that's alright." said Anne with a soft smile.

"I would love to be your friend." said Gilbert and they went into the living room to play with her dolls.

He felt terrible for her. So innocent and pure, waiting for a 'hello' that would never happen. He put on a smile, as soon as he saw her eyes bright with happiness and sat next to her.

Flashback Ends

Then, life happened and it went downhill from there. It was for the best, I guess. She didn't fit in my world and I didn't fit in hers.

Miss Stacy told us that it was time to go home and Josie run towards me.

"Want to go for a walk, Gil?" asked Josie.

"Love, I don't feel so good. I'm sorry. I promise tomorrow I'll pick you up for school." I said, kind of disappointed that I wouldn't spend the day with her. But I'll have to admit that, I was kind of relieved that I would go home, since I needed some time with myself.

I pecked her lips, walked her home, hugged her goodbye and went home.

I went to open the door when I heard shouting.


Here we go...

"I WORK AT THE FARM." yelled dad.


"I DO MY BEST." yelled dad.


I didn't stay to hear the rest of their shouting match. I started to walk away from the house and went to the cemetery. I sat on a bench and started to talk.

"Hey grandpa." I sadly laughed. "How are you? I'm not doing well. Mum and dad are arguing all the time. I can't do anything to make it stop. It gets worst and worst everyday. I just don't know what to do anymore." I tear rolled down my cheek as I wiped it away with my sleeve and sniffed.

Then, I heard a noise and I turned around. I came across Anne. She just looked at me and sat down next to me.

"Hello." said Anne, quietly.

"How is your leg?" I asked, trying to hid the concern I had.

"Not as bad as it was." answered Anne as she looked at her left leg.

"Okay." I said as I sat next to her, not saying a single word.

"Why are you here?" asked Anne, as she looked at me.

"I came to visit grandpa." I said as I looked away so she wouldn't see my teary eyes.

"I came to see my parents." said Anne as she sighed.

"It's hard, isn't it?" I asked, curiously.

"Well, I don't remember them a lot so, I mean it's not that hard. I just wish I could see them one more time. When Marilla told me that they went to a better place, I didn't think she meant paradise." said Anne as she sniffed.

She started to tear up so I had to do something to make her stop and they first thing that came into my mind was today's incident.

"I warned you." I said as I tried to lighten the air.

"About what?" asked Anne as she looked at me.

"About not climbing on the roof." I said with a smirk.

"It wasn't like you cared." said Anne as she stood up to leave.

Okay. That hurt a little bit. I know we didn't get along but, I wasn't heartless.

"It's called common sense, Shirley or is that word not in your dictionary?" I answered, sarcastically.

"I hate you so much, Blythe." said Anne as she looked at me with fury in her eyes.

"The feelings mutual, Shirley-Cuthbert." I answered with a smirk as I walked away.

I could feel Anne basically killing me in her head as I walked away, but I was wrong, because as soon as I looked at her. She was sitting down next to her parent's grave.

A lot of things sure changed in the last, thirteen years but I pray that it was for the best. I turned around and started to walk home.

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