Between A Rock & Hard Place

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1:27 PM

Amelia stared out the window of the silent car, unsure of why she agreed to let Teddy take her so far or at all. She was going to be grateful though, since the last time they talked she had gotten her a tumor as a present. She turned back to the driver of a nice Audi A7 and moped. Teddy sensed the tone change in the car and glanced at Amelia's sad face. "What's wrong?" she inquired, keeping her eyes basically on the road. Amelia ran her fingertips along the red stitching of the door handle.

"I had one of these," she sighed. "Then I had one of those and one of these," she said pointing back to Leo and her stomach, "and had to get rid of one of these. Do you realize that having two car seats in this car leaves room for literally nothing else?" Amelia asked. Teddy shook her head.

"I did not," she replied. Amelia hummed and ran her hands through her hair. "So, 14 weeks, what is that like?" she asked trying to make conversation in a one sided awkward situation. Amelia shrugged.

"Nothing fit last week, and nothing fits this week, but worse. And they say that nausea ends at 14 weeks, but it doesn't. This pregnancy is much worse than my last," she confessed. Teddy stopped at the red light and looked at Amelia.

"Last? I thought you adopted Leo," she asked. Amelia chuckled and looked back to make sure Leo was okay.

"Yeah, we did. Umm, I was pregnant before, by an ex before I moved here. It was... you know what, let's not talk about it," she shielded. "What about you? New things are happening," Amelia redirected. Teddy slowly took off from the green light, as they slid out of the city onto a dusty two way road.

"It's interesting, to say the least. I don't know anything about babies or kids, really. I like them, I just don't know anything," she shared. That got the neurosurgeon thinking. When Teddy came back there were a lot of people on Amelia's side and Amelia was now unsure why they were picking sides. Teddy wasn't after her man, she was after some help.

"You know,"


The woman said at the same time. "You go first," Amelia insisted. Teddy took a deep breath and tightened her grip on the black, leather wheel.

"Umm, you're probably wondering why I just showed up at your house. So, I'm going to tell you, and since we're in a car with three babies, I don't think you'll try to kill us," Teddy started. Amelia cocked an eyebrow at Teddy, confused as to why she was even bringing up killing them.

"O-okay," Amelia stuttered. Teddy bit her lip, not wanting to blurt out what she had to say so that she didn't put Amelia into shock. However, she didn't want to drag out her misery by taking forever.  She glanced over to see Amelia fiddling with her engagement ring, definitely not wanting to ruin a marriage. Slowly, she became discouraged and tried to ignore Arizona's voice in the back of her head. Teddy knew the only way to truly shut that voice off was to confess, but she also weighed her options of keeping the annoying voice for a little while longer. When it started to give her a migraine, she finally shook her head and womaned up.

"The day that you went into surgery last week, Owen and I almost kissed," she said, making sure lay emphasis on almost. Amelia tried to bite back her tears and nodded.


"No, I know it was terrible, but it didn't actually happen,"

"Teddy, I-"

"And I know you probably hate me, I would hate me too for letting it even go that far," Teddy rambled, not wanting to hear what Amelia had to say. She was not prepared for the yelling or the tears or anything that came along with the truth and figured if she never stopped talking, it would never come. "It was stupid and,"

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