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8:37 PM

Owen quietly pushed his pasta around his plate, trying to pretend to be present but totally failing. "So, Owen," Patrick said, trying to grab his attention. "How long have you been at Grey-Sloan?" He asked. Owen shrugged, refusing to make eye contact.

"I don't know," he mumbled. Amelia glanced at Owen, seeing how rude he was being and slowly got up, trying to ignore the fire running through her lower body.

"Owen, can I speak to you for a minute?" she asked as politely as humanly possible in her state of pain. Owen quickly got up and followed Amelia to Betty's room and shut the door behind them. Betty looked up from her phone in confusion and let Leo walked out of her lap towards Amelia. "Okay family vote, raise your hand if you think that Owen is being childish?" Amelia asked, picking Leo up and placing him on her hip, while raising her hand. Betty locked her phone and raised her hand as well.

"What? Guys, I am not being childish. Betty, you aren't even in there," Owen argued. Betty held her hands up in defense and sat up on her bed.

"Hey, if Mia got up from her chair, to walk which causes her pain, to come in here to take this vote, you know that you messed up. I'm on moms side with this one," Betty said. Owen rolled his eyes and placed his hands on his hips.

"I'm sorry if I'm not comfortable with this guy in my house," Owen said. Amelia furrowed her eyebrows and cocked her head 16,598 degrees to the left.

"You're not comfortable with the man you invited into your own house? Well guess what I'm uncomfortable all the time! Even more so when I have to get up and walk away from a perfectly nice dinner to tell my fiancé to act like a damn adult. So if you don't mind, I'd like to go sit down and finish dinner with our friends," Amelia growled. She hoisted Leo higher on her hip and made her way back to the dining table.

"Everything okay?" Teddy asked. Amelia shook her head and sat down with Leo in her lap.

"Please, no," Amelia whispered, swiping Leo's hands away from her plate. "No, everything is not okay. I'm in a constant pain, I've had a headache for days now, and this child is becoming increasingly annoying as the days go on, as well as my husband," she complained, while cutting her penne into smaller pieces for her son. "You see this. This is why I want to lock myself in my bedroom until it's time to deliver and come right back afterwards. And worst of all, I feel like I can't talk to anyone, because Meredith never listens to me, Maggie can't relate, and you..." Amelia sighed, watching Leo pick up the pieces in both hands.

"What about me? I'm here for you. You can talk to me about everything. I thought you knew that, by now," Teddy said, moving to Owens seat and grabbing Amelia's freehand. "It's you and me. Just because Owen and I aren't as close as we were, doesn't mean you and I can't be," Teddy suggested. Leo handed Teddy a piece of half eaten food, seeing how close she was.

"Thank you, Teddy," Amelia smiled.

"Why does he keep handing me half eaten food?" Teddy asked, with a giggle. Amelia watched Leo try to hand the pasta to Patrick, to which she grabbed his hand and shook the pasta back onto the plate.

"Because he can't see me. And he doesn't know that not everyone eats meals like us. I just make one plate for the both of us to share and he eats off it. So, he'll hand me food which I'll eat because I'm his mom and I don't care if he may have picked it up with his hand, but he doesn't realize not everyone wants to share food with him," Amelia answered. Patrick grinned at the baby boy and watched him grab the green bean and bite the top off.

"I hope our baby is that sweet," he wished. Teddy and Amelia shared a look of awe, before Teddy moved back to her seat.

"I'm sure he or she will," Teddy replied. "Oh, Amelia, did I tell you about the Gender Reveal Party next weekend?" The cardio surgeon asked. Amelia shook her head. "Well, next Saturday Arizona and Callie are throwing me a Gender Reveal after my ultrasound on Saturday morning. It's going to be Saturday night at sunset," Teddy informed. Amelia and Teddy started to talk baby as Owen slyly made eye contact with Patrick and motioned him to the living room. Once, away, Owen slapped his arm around Patrick's neck and walked him out the front door.

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