For The First Time In Forever

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Next Day

7:39 AM

Blue strings of light fluttered into the master bedroom of the Hunt home early Tuesday morning. Amelia rolled over on her side and came face to back with her husband. In a confused manor she stuck out her hand to see if she was actually correct. Her hand ran from his back up to his hair and sure enough, it was her man. Amelia turned back and looked at the clock on her phone. With a gasp she became fully alert and started to shake Owen. "Babe! You're late, get up! You were supposed to be at the hospital an hour and a half ago," Amelia said. Owen's eyes slowly started to open as she talked. He sat up a bit disoriented and grabbed his phone. He has several text and calls from April. The ER must've been swamped.

"Shit," Owen whispered. He hopped out of bed in a rush and ran to the bathroom to get ready. Amelia watched him run back and forth between the bathroom and the closet at least five times.

"At least you don't have to worry about getting Leo up and ready for the week," Amelia optimistically tried. Owen frantically put his button up and pants on.

"Yep, but without Leo to wake up to or Betty to make sure her homework is in her bag, I'm all messed up," Owen said as he looked for his socks. Amelia shrugged. He was right. With the kids gone, even for the night, they were doing things they hadn't in so long. Cooking half naked. Sex on the couch. Sex in their bed. Sex in general. They hadn't had a night to themselves in months and this week they were enjoying it. Now, they weren't totally regretting having the their kids, because they loved them, they just missed being a childless couple and didn't realize it.

As Owen rushed around, Amelia slowly got out of the bed and started to get ready. "Where are you going?" Owen asked as Amelia grabbed her silk maroon blouse and black dress pants. She hadn't been able to wear silk since they acquired Leo and now that he was away, she was going to take advantage of this opportunity.

"I'm going back to work. I'm not back in surgery just yet, but I'm doing consults, checking on my patients, and getting back into the lab," she said. Owen shook his head and tried to stop her as she went into the bathroom to start her morning routine.

"No. I'm sure Arizona didn't approve this," Owen strongly voiced. Amelia scoffed and rolled her eyes as she turned on the faucet to brush her teeth.

"She'll be fine. I can't sit in this house anymore," she said while procuring her dental health. "And why do you care so much? It's not like I'm doing strenuous activities. I'm doing less physical work than last night," she smirked. Owen shook his head and continued to get dressed.

"No. I don't think you should go back and as your husband I'm pulling rank. You aren't going back to work today," he boldly stated. Amelia finished up her teeth brushing rituals and stared at Owen.

"I'm sorry, what? As my fiancé and equal shareholder of this relationship there is no rank to pull. I don't know where you get off thinking you can control me. But, if it's a fight you want Hunt, it's a fight you'll get," Amelia threatened, slamming the bathroom door in Owens face as she finished up her routine. The ex military man realized how much of a dictator he was imitating and ran his hand over his head.

"So, I'll meet you in the car?" He asked, nervously. He could hear Amelia groan in response, taking that as a no. Owen quickly ran off to get breakfast before heading out, leaving Amelia on the edge of the tub in tears. She was frustrated at the fact that her husband was slightly overprotective, and the fact that she wasn't ready to go back to work despite desperately wanting to be, and the fact that she had no one to voice it to. The only person she could relate to that acted like they liked her on a consistent basis couldn't relate anymore. She got experience a real labor with a fully functional child that she got to take home to take care of while Amelia sat on the sidelines.

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