The World Turned Upside Down

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10:00 AM

Amelia sat on the couch of she and Betty's hotel room, watching Tv when Betty emerged from the bathroom. "You ready to go? We have to be at Addison's in a couple hours," Amelia asked. Betty nodded and sat next to her, once again playing with her ring.

"I was thinking about the dinner and I don't really want to go. I mean, I don't know these people and they don't seem very welcoming of our situation. I kind of want to sit this out," She excused. Amelia muted the TV and rotated her body to sit cross crossed in front of Amelia.

"Okay kid, talk to me. What's happening? Ever since you came back from the other night you have been acting strange," Amelia finally asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Betty denied. Amelia smacked her lips and folded her arms. "What? I don't!" she yelled.

"That's what I'm talking about! Anytime I bring up that night you get defensive. Why? What the he'll happened?" Amelia frustratedly asked. Betty stayed silent. "Fine. I'll call Addison and tell her we aren't coming to brunch. We'll sit here all day until you tell me. Hell we can sit here all weekend. I don't care," Amelia threatened. Betty groaned knowing Amelia was just stubborn enough to do that. It also meant she was serious and had a short fuse. Amelia didn't threaten to do very many things, but the things she did threaten were extreme.

"Fine, but you have to promise you won't tell dad," Betty pleaded. It was humiliating enough that she was going to tell Amelia. She really didn't want Owen to think she was a huge slut too.

"You tell me what's going on and I'll deal with how much I will divulge to your father," Amelia said. Betty's leg started to shake as she thought back to that night.

"Fine," she agreed. "After Teddy called, I got a text from August. He wanted to meet up. So I went thinking that afterwards I would just go to Teddy's," she said. Amelia help out her hand to pause Betty.

"After what? Sex?" She clarified. Betty hung her head and nodded. "Okay, keep going," Amelia said, resting her arm on the back of the couch in case she needed to pause.

"When I got in the truck, we did it and then he said he had a motel for us, so that's where we went. After August made us do it again, he went out for food. While he was gone his drunk brother came in and he," Betty stopped. Tears were dripping onto her pajama t-shirt as the flashbacks from that night flooded her head.

"It's okay," Amelia assured, placing her hand on Betty's leg. "Take your time," she whispered. Betty dropped her head into her hands to catch the puddle of tears that had started to pour.

"I told him I didn't want to. That August would be back any minute and he hit me," she sob. "And he wouldn't stop. He just kept hitting me. Then he picked me up from the floor and threw me on the bed. My head started to spin and I could barely get up. That's when he got on top of me. I told him no I swear. But he did it anyways. And it hurt, Mommy. It hurt so bad," she cried. Amelia held back her own tears and pulled Betty into a firm hug. Betty sob uncontrollably into Amelia's shoulder, feeling a weight lift off of her shoulders, just to be replaced with another. Soon her anxiety over the text message set in. She quickly got up and started to pace. "Oh my god! I'm such an idiot! He's gonna find out that I told you and now he's gonna do the same to you. God! I'm such an idiot! He's gonna find out and come after you next!" Betty panicked. Amelia grabbed the teenagers arm and pulled her back to the couch.

"Hey! That's not going to happen. Owen and I are going to take care of it," Amelia said. "That asshole isn't coming near any of us. I promise you that," she firmly believe. Betty started into Amelia's eyes searching for confirmation, before collapsing into a ball wrecked nerves. Bears soaked through Amelia's t-shirt onto her warm skin but she didn't care. That was her baby and she was determined to help her baby. Even if what the last thing she did.

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