Road Less Traveled

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Tuesday Morning

10:52 AM

Amelia hopped back into her car, careful not to hit her leg on the door as she shut it it while sitting down. "So, are you ready?" Amelia asked. Betty took out of her headphones and dramatically whipped her head towards Amelia.

"I don't have a choice," she sassed. Amelia giggled and nodded while putting her seatbelt on.

"Good point," she said. "Buckle up! We've got places to be and people to see," Amelia enthused. Betty reluctantly did as she was told and popped her headphone back in. As soon as Amelia went to talk, she noticed that Betty was definitely not listening. Amelia faked as if she was going to put her hand behind the seat to back up and snatched Betty's phone and headphones out.

"what the hell?" Betty yelled, ready to reach back to for it. Amelia threw the device into her purse in the back seat and pushed Betty back into her own seat. Which was impressive with only one hand.

"Language!" Amelia reprimanded. Betty rolled her eyes and folded her arms over her chest, nostrils flared. "Hey," the adult in the car said. "This trip is about us coming together and we can't do that when your phone is blocking your view," Amelia said. Betty pointed at Amelia's phone in the cup holder.

"What about your phone? Shouldn't it go in the back to?" She smart assed. Amelia pulled out into Seattle traffic and started their long journey south.

"I'm a mom," Amelia simply replied.

"So am I," Betty fought.

"Okay, I'm an active mom. Your child is now my child and you are now my child and I have another child on the way, so I have to keep in contact with your father, my husband. You don't," Amelia ended. Betty rolled her eyes once more and looked out the passenger side window.

"Ugh. Whatever," she muttered. Amelia smiled to herself and started to turn on the radio when her phone rang. With the power of her steering wheel, Amelia answered the call with a sense of pep.

"Hello," she beamed. Betty looked at the middle console, but failed to recognize the number.

"Amelia?" The familiar voice asked.

"Addison?" The neurosurgeon confirmed.

"Hey. How are you doing? Charlotte said she talked to you earlier," Addison assessed.

"I'm actually on my way to you guys! I haven't seen you guys in a while since everything that happened with James and I. So I decided that I wanted to come back and share the big news," Amelia said. Addison hummed as if she knew something.

"Yeah," She said in her infamous high voice. Amelia grimaced.

"Addy, did you tell everyone about my pregnancy before I could?" Amelia asked. She could hear Addison's nervousness through the phone.

"No! I didn't,"


"I swear! The only person that knows is Jake, but I had to tell him why I was up and going to Seattle when you were hurt," Addison finally confessed. Amelia groaned. She wanted to tell the LA people about her own news and for some reason she forgot that Addison couldn't keep a secret to save her life.

"Well don't tell anyone else," Amelia demanded. "But, hey how is James anyways? Still working in the ER?" Amelia asked, trying to slyly be nosey.

"Uh, well, he's married now," Addison answered. Amelia contained her gasp and tried to control her face, but Betty could tell something was going on.

"Oh really? To whom? I mean it doesn't really matter since I have Owen but, just out of curiosity, ya know?" Amelia stammered. Betty smacked her lips loudly, causing Amelia realize that her questions were a bit out of line for her current relationship status.

"A neuro scrub nurse, named Melissa. I mean it figures right. He couldn't have a a surgeon so he got the next best thing," Addison griped.

"Yeah. Addy, I'm gonna have to call you back," Amelia quickly said before she hung up and tried her best not to look at Betty. However, Betty wasn't about to hold back, because of lack of eye contact.

"James? Does dad know about him?" Betty asked, referring to Owen as dad for the first time ever. Amelia didn't want to make a huge deal out of this, but she made a mental note to tell Owen immediately, once they got there.

"Uhh, dad and I haven't necessarily talked about our pasts, but we will. Maybe," Amelia shrugged. Betty chuckled.

"When? In the delivery room when Ella is about to be born?" Betty sarcastically replied.

"Ella? How are you so sure the baby is a girl?" Amelia subject hopped. Betty wagged her finger and turned to face Amelia in her seat.

"We are talking about you and dad, not the child you are giving birth to. Is James going to be an issue when we get there?" Betty asked. Amelia hadn't thought about James since the break up and she was already so screwed up that the break up seemed inevitable. She never took the time to think about what life could've been like had she and James stayed together. Betty could see the gears in Amelia's head turning, causing her to let out a small squeal. "Is there going to be sexual tension if we see him?" Betty giddily asked. "Are you worried?" She smirked.

"Calm down," Amelia laughed. "The only sexual tension that you will see is on the sad excuse for cable that Addison owns," she said.

"Oh come on,"

"I know right. You would think with her 780k salary she could afford decent television," Amelia pretended to gripe. Betty lightly pushed Amelia's arm.

"You know what I mean! I don't think there is enough room in there for Ella and a new baby in your uterus right now," Betty joked. Amelia placed one of her hands on her stomach and playfully rolled her eyes.

"If that was possible then there would be no room for Ella, and the a new baby that dad and I created the other day, and a new baby that James and I will not create," Amelia said. The teen grimaced and turned back into her seat correctly.

"That was a visual I did not need!" Betty shuttered, trying to pretend like she was the only person that had sex ever, because the thought of her parents doing it with her "brother" in the room and sister in the womb made her absolutely sick.

"Well, you started it," Amelia chuckled. Betty ran her hands through her hair and stared out the window.

"So, how close are you to these people?" Betty asked. Amelia smiled to herself thinking of all the things that she had been through with them and how they were her family.

"Very," she simply answered, before switching the subject to school and other things. Things that would make life a little easier for Betty to open up to Amelia.

To Be Continued...

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