Its Been A Month

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Next Morning

6:22 AM

Amelia rolled out of her bed, Owen still asleep, and went to check on Leo. As she walked towards the make shift nursery, a giggle from the kitchen caught her attention. Slowly, Amelia crept towards the kitchen and peered around the corner to see Betty standing in between some girls legs, who sat on the counter. She watched them giggle at something unsaid, before it happened. A thing Amelia never thought she'd see in her kitchen. Betty pulled back from the mini make-out session to see Amelia in the door way with her arms folded and clearly shocked. "Mom! You're up early!" Betty said, pulling the girl off the counter and stepping in front.

"Yeah so are you, your sisters woke me up, so I decided to check on Leo. What's your excuse?" Amelia asked. Betty bit her lip and turned back.

"Cassie, go wait in my room," Betty suggested, before turning back to Amelia as Cassie (pictures) slipped past her.

"Cassie? Who is Cassie? What happened to Leah?" Amelia said. Betty ran her hand over her arm and shrugged.

"Nothing. And Cassie is my girlfriend. We've been together for seven weeks," she sighed, "but last night she and her mom got into a fight over the phone and Leah and I didn't want her to be alone so, I snuck her in," Betty confessed. Amelia gasped.

"When last night? Was she here when I came to tell you good night?" Amelia asked. Betty nervously played with her fingers and nodded.

"She and Leah got here a little after the quick family meeting in my room. I snuck her in through the bathroom window," Betty answered. Amelia made a mental note to get that window cemented shut and rolled her eyes. "Are you mad? I mean, I would have told you, but I didn't know how you would feel about me being bi," Betty rambled. Amelia softened her expression and smacked her lips.

"No, I'm not mad about that. I mad that you lied. I prefer you not dating at all or sneaking everyone in the house, so that you can focus on your recovery, but I'm just glad that it's with some who can't give Leo a biological sibling," Amelia said, with out stretched arms. "Come her, Bet,"She said. Betty flashed a small smile and walked into the hug. "I love you, Bet," Amelia whispered, not really expecting to hear it back as usual.

"I love you too, Mia," Betty surprised. Amelia took a deep breath to stop herself from freaking out and pulled away from the hug.

"Get ready for school, I'm taking you," Amelia announced. Amelia nodded and made her way to her room while Amelia went back to the master.

"You will never guess what just happened," Amelia beamed. Owen looked up from his phone, allowing her to finish her thought with his full attention. "Betty is bi," she proudly smiled. Owen stared at her for a second, not sure why she was so excited.

"Umm, Okay. Wait, was that supposed to be a secret?" He asked, truly unsure of how Amelia hadn't noticed.

"Okay, keep that in mind when I tell you she was making out with her girlfriend on the counter," Amelia continued. Owen's sad sense perked up, throwing him out of the bed towards the door. Quickly, Amelia stood between him and shook her head. "Hey, calm down. I took care of it," Amelia said. Owen shook his head and tried to move her.

"This is unacceptable!" Owen said. Amelia stood firm as her eyes went wide.

"Owen! Are you secretly homophobic?" Amelia grimaced. Owen narrowed his eyes at her in confusion.

"No! I was just okay with Betty being bi. I'm betty-dating-in-general-aphobic. I don't care if she's gay, straight, bi or anything else, she is too young to date," he replied. Amelia chuckled at his over protectiveness and pushed him back towards the bed.

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