I'm Not That Girl

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A Week Later

9:30 AM

Chief Altman stood in front of some old scans on a case that she worked on in Germany. It was a simple procedure she'd done a hundred times, but for some reason, she couldn't focus long enough to finish it and had to call in her resident to close. That was also the day she found out she was pregnant and the reason she could finish a task without feeling like she had to pee every twenty seconds. A deep sigh radiated from Teddy as she stood still, reminiscing on that day. She wanted to call Owen right away, but thought it best, not to since the time zone was completely off. So, she waited, until one day she realized that she didn't want to do the experience alone and hopped on a plane. Only to her dismay, her baby daddy was already a daddy, and she was still stuck doing the experience alone. "Hey," a chipper voice said, coming in and shutting the door behind them. Teddy looked back to see Arizona with two coffee cups. "Coffee for me, Chai tea for mama," she said, handing Teddy the cup.

"Thank you," Teddy half smiled, sipping the lukewarm tea.

"So, how is everything going?" Arizona asked, sitting behind one of the computers, glossing over the images on the screen. Teddy shrugged and followed Arizona's lead, taking the seat next to her.

"Lonely," she answered. "Do you know how sad it is to go into a baby store looking for stuff and having cashiers ask you were the father is and then you have to make up a terrible story?" Teddy asked. Arizona shook her head.

"Sad?" she guessed.

"Very," Teddy replied. "It sucks. I came all this way so that I didn't have to do this alone and I still have to do it alone. I didn't leave my home and good job to flee from being a single mom just to be a single mom in the states anyways. And you would think since this is his baby too he would want some input in anything. But, nope. It's 'whatever you want Teddy' or 'just send me the bill Teddy' or 'I'm busy with Amelia and Leo and Betty, maybe next time Teddy'. I can never have a moment with Owen to talk about this. He avoids me here and makes excuses outside of here. It's ridiculous," Teddy fumed. Arizona scoffed and shook her head. She'd never thought in a million years that Owen could be so cold towards the mother of his child even if there were two of them.

"Have you tried paging him?" Arizona asked. Teddy took another sip and nodded.

"He doesn't answer them anymore. I have to get someone to page him for me. He's acting so childish," Teddy said. Arizona shook her head.

"This doesn't sound like Owen. Is there anything that happened that would cause him to be like that?" Arizona asked. Teddy thought back to when Meredith caught them about to kiss but didn't really put much merit towards it.

"I mean, there was an incident when Amelia was in surgery, but it really wasn't that big a deal," she brushed off. Arizona rose an eyebrow out of interest.

"What kind of incident?" she asked. Teddy bit her lip not sure if disclosing it was a good idea even though it really did seem like nothing. However, she didn't have many friends and needed someone to talk to, so lying to that person wasn't necessarily a good idea.

"Owen and I almost kissed and Meredith stopped us," She confessed. Arizona bit her lip an nodded. "It really isn't that big of a deal, nothing happened," Teddy tried to play off. Arizona shrugged and nodded.

"Okay. Then tell her," she proposed. Teddy's eyes went huge and stomach flipped at the thought of that.

"I beg your pardon? Tell Amelia, the woman I am trying to make nice with, that I almost kissed her fiancé while she was under the knife? Are you crazy?" Teddy freaked. Arizona set her coffee cup down and folded her arms.

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