Words Fail

958 13 7

Tuesday Morning

12 AM

Amelia laid in her pajamas on the couch with strict instructions from Arizona not to get up unless she had an emergency or to pee. And with Betty home, this was gonna be a little bit easier. Amelia read her book as Leo slept on her chest. She was waiting for Owen to get home, which should've been hours ago since he wasn't scheduled to be on call. Amelia was about to put her book away when Owen came in, clearly intoxicated. "You were on the couch when I left. And you're still on the couch. Did you even get up?" Owen gripped. Amelia rolled her eyes and slid her book onto the side table.

"I got up to shower. I got up to discipline Betty. I even got up to celebrate Leo's birthday with him," Amelia said. She started to sit up slowly so that her new stitches wouldn't tear. They were dissolvable stitches, so if all went well she would only have to go back for her six weeks check up and then that would be it. "Come and get your son," Amelia said, ready to hand off Leo and get in the bed. When she saw that Owen was walking to the back and Leo was still on her shoulder, anger started to boil in. She wanted to scream at him, but it was no use. He was drunk and arguing with someone while they were drunk was a bad idea in her experience. Typically she was the drunk one, but the outcome was surely the same. So, she got off the couch and slowly stood up. Her pain was slightly less than unbearable, so she had to get him to his crib quickly.

"Mia?" Betty said, coming out of her room and seeing Amelia holding Leo. Quickly, she took him from Amelia and watched the relief flood to her face. "Are you okay?" Betty asked, placing her hand on Amelia's forehead. "You're burning up and you look like hell. Go lie down. I'll make you some tea," Betty said. Amelia shook her head and leaned back against the opposing wall.

"I'm fine. It's just mono. I'll be fine," she shrugged. Betty's eyes went wide.

"Mono? How did you get mono?" Betty asked, cautiously stepping back. Amelia rolled her eyes and shrugged.

"I don't know. Probably from Leo," Amelia answered. Betty quickly caught Leo's saliva filled hand that was coming towards her face.

"Nope. Take your baby back. I'm not about to get sick. I just finished a terrible detox, I've thrown up enough for a lifetime," Betty grimaced, handing Leo back quickly. Amelia groaned and took on the heavy baby.

"Thanks for the help," Amelia sarcastically muttered as she walked to the back. Carefully, she laid Leo in his crib and turned back to see Owen coming out of their bathroom in a towel.

"Oh, so you're legs do work," Owen snarked. Amelia smacked her lips and did her best to get out of the room, but Owen stepped in front of her.

"Move, you're drunk and your breath is making me want to vomit," Amelia said. Owen stared into her eyes, but remaining angry. Amelia grabbed Owens pillow off of the bed and shoved it at him. "You can sleep on the couch because I can't trust you to wake up from your drunk sleep to get Leo when he cries," Amelia said. Owen snatches his pillow and grabbed a change of clothes, dropping his towel to show off his man standing at attention. He glanced between his wife and his private eye. "Oh, I see," she smirked, pretending to go for him, but reaching past and grabbing the lotion bottle behind him on the dresser. "Don't forget to lock the bathroom door," she said, before heading to her side of the bed and gently getting in. Owen stormed out of the room and to the bathroom, not caring that he was fully naked in the hallway where Betty could've seen him. He slammed the door, making sure that everyone in the neighborhood heard his frustration, causing Leo to wake up and Betty and Amelia to come out of their rooms. "What an-"

"Ass," Betty said finishing Amelia's sentence. She left her room and went to Amelia's, shutting and locking the door behind herself. "I'm sleeping in here tonight," she said, crawling in on Owen's side and waiting for Amelia to put Leo in the bed so that she could get in herself. Leo crawled to the middle and snuggled in to Amelia as soon as she attempted to lay down. Amelia got as comfortable as possible with a one year old in crunched against her delivery wound. Betty shut out the lamp on her side which kept the room from darkness and took a deep breath in sync with Amelia. "Are you and him gonna try for another baby?" Betty asked.

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