Not Supposed To Be Here

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Sorry I missed the update yesterday! I barely had any time to do anything! Forgive me!

The Next Day

6:09 PM

"Can you just be a friend?" Amelia cried. Teddy watched tears soak into the fabric of Amelia's scrub top and moved from behind her desk. The two stood face to face before Teddy took a deep breath and nodded.

"Come here," she said, holding out her arms and embracing her "friend". "Where is this coming from?"


11:17 AM

Amelia and Betty rushed into the hospital seven minutes late for their appointments. As they hopped off the elevator, Arizona was waiting impatiently for them with her arms folded. "You're late," Arizona pretended to gripe. Amelia pushed Leo higher on her hip and nodded.

"Sorry, we had a baby wardrobe and diaper malfunction," Amelia apologized. Arizona shook her head took the baby.

"Nope, I will forever be mad at you," she joked. Amelia rolled her eyes with a smirk and chuckled.

"I'll buy you wine," she bargained. Arizona led them to an open exam room and turned back to them with a huge smile.

"All is forgiven," she agreed, shutting the door after Betty and handing her Leo. "Alright, Amelia, you want to tell me how you got that? Oh, wait let me guess. You and Teddy got into an accident," Arizona asked, pointing towards the splint on Amelia's hand and wrist, as she put some gloves on.

"Yeah," she sheepishly replied, sitting on the inclined table. Arizona shook her head and had Amelia lie back with her shirt hiked up. Arizona felt around Amelia's lower abdomen, making sure everything was in place.

"Why did I have to hear it from Owen and not you or Teddy? I was worried when she didn't text me back or call me last night," Arizona said. Amelia's eyes went wide.

"What? She didn't call you? Well, have you heard from her since yesterday? Like physically talked to her?" Amelia worried, regretting her decision to leave Teddy alone with Patrick the stranger. Arizona looked at her weird and finished taking measurements.

"Yeah, she's in her office, she has a slight concussion," Arizona answered. Amelia let out a sigh of relief and watched her friend put the cold blue gel on her abdomen. "Okay, momma, let's hear baby's heartbeat," she grinned. Amelia sat silently as Arizona pressed around gently to find the baby's heartbeat. A few seconds went by of muffled static before a strong heartbeat rang out. Arizona counted for a minute, then typed her results into Amelia's chart with a smile on her face.

"Good?" She asked as she wiped the gel off with a towel, Betty handed her. Arizona nodded and pushed her computer to the wall.

"Perfect. Now take that cup off the desk and go pee in it," Arizona demanded. Amelia looked at her weird as she hopped off the table.

"What?" She asked.

"Yep. And I need a clean catch so pee a little first then into the cup," she explained. Amelia scrunched up her face and grabbed the cup, before pouting her way to the bathroom. "Your turn," Arizona redirected to Betty. The teenager nodded and handed Leo to Arizona so she could get up on the table. Once stable, Betty took Leo back and sat him on her lap. "So, birth control? You know I have a daughter and doing something like this with is the one thing dread. Well, her being sexually active is something I dread. So, I think it's really cool that you have Amelia for this," Arizona commended. Betty nodded and played with Leo's hair.

"Yeah. She wants me to be safe. Obviously, something that I wasn't careful about before," Betty sighed. Arizona grabbed the rolling from the corner with all of her instruments as Jo Wilson walked in.

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