Birthday Boy Pt. 1

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Owen flipped from the calendar to quickly dial Amelia's phone number. "Amelia!" Owen unnecessarily yelled.

"Yes, sir?" Amelia asked, angry that her head was about to start pounding.

"Leo's birthday! That's what's throwing us off! Leo's birthday is on Monday!" Owen said. Amelia gasped and looked down at her sweet baby boy taking a nap in his playpen.

"Oh my gosh! How did we forget?" Amelia asked. Owen shrugged and started to clean up his lunch.

"I don't know, but tonight we have to figure out what we are gonna do. Oh, and Arizona said you and Betty missed your appointments and that you had to come in today. So please make an effort to come over," Owen warned. Amelia smacked her lips and muttered her agreement. "Perfect. Kiss the little man for me. I gotta get back to the pit," Owen hung up. Amelia groaned and got off the couch. The clock only said 9:24, meaning Betty just got settled in school, but she really needed to go to the doctors. Amelia did not want to be blamed because Betty had any issues with her IUD. Regrettably, Amelia picked Leo up and placed him on her shoulder. She grabbed her purse/ diaper bag and got them into the car to head towards Betty's school. When pulling away from Leo, Amelia felt that he was really sweaty and started to put the pieces together. He threw up everywhere that morning. He ate a quarter of a pancake and didn't finish his juice. And he only wanted to be held by Amelia. Even when Teddy tried to hold him, Leo screamed and cried until Amelia took him back. That definitely rubbed Amelia the wrong way, because Leo was never clingy to her. After, strapping him in, Amelia hopped in the front and put the back windows down to hopefully cool him off. While pulling out of the parking spot, Amelia dialed Betty's school number to call and say she was taking her to an appointment and definitely bringing her back.

9:44 AM

Amelia watched Betty wall out of the school and up to the car. Once inside, Betty dropped her backpack between her feet and put her seatbelt on. "Why are you picking me up?" Betty asked.

"Doctors appointment. We missed it last week and Arizona sounded worried," Amelia answered as she pulled out of the parking lot and headed to her job. Betty nodded and looked in the backseat mirror that faced Leo's car seat to see vomit all over the front of him.

"Mia?" Betty said, doing her best to wipe him off from where she sat.

"Yeah?" She replied.

"Is Leo sick? He threw up all over himself," Betty asked, eventually taking off her seatbelt and climbing into the back. Amelia sighed and watched the road while glancing back every now and then in the rear view mirror.

"Yeah. I'm gonna have Karev check him out," Amelia planned. Betty hummed and took Leo out of his seat, triggering him to start crying for Amelia. He was still burning up even though the windows were down blasting cool air. "Hey, put him back in his seat! That's not safe," Amelia called, now trying to be extra vigilant with her son unprotected in a moving car.

"You know how to drive, so do that. I have to take this shirt off of him," Betty said, stripping the baby of his stained t-shirt, leaving him in only a diaper. Amelia groaned and made her way to her usual parking spot.

"Give me the baby. He won't stop crying until he's in my arms," Amelia exhaustedly explained. Betty passed him through the front and watched him drop his head onto Amelia's shoulder and rub his eyes. "Let's go," she sighed.

10 AM

Betty sat on the table of the exam room waiting for Arizona to finish up her ultrasound. "Oh, yep, you're IUD was displaced. I'm gonna have to get in there and fix before it imbeds into your uterus lining," Arizona said. She pulled out her chart and pin pointed a day in her schedule.

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