Bad Idea

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9:22 PM

Teddy slowly sat up on her couch, to see that Leo had tired himself on the Pack N' Play and fell asleep. Her baby had woken her up to pee for what felt like the millionth time. She looked around to see that it was just she and Leo. Maybe she went to get some food. Teddy thought as she got up and went to the door. Discretely she checked under the doormat to see the key she'd left was still there. Maybe she got lost. Teddy then thought. However, that was as far as it got before he mind was jolted from Betty to how badly she really had to pee.


Betty laid on the bed of she and August playing with her ring, waiting for August to come back. He promised pizza and went to pick it up, but didn't say how long it would take. She was slowly getting bored, but her phone died, meaning she couldn't go to Teddy's since she no longer had the address. A knock on the door pulled Betty's interest from the ring to whoever was outside. And she figured it was Silas, August brother since he was the only one who knew they were there. Unsuspecting of anything, Betty opened the door to see the 21-year-old with a half-empty bottle of vodka. "Hey Si, I thought you went with August," Betty said. Silas stumbled into the room and sloppily dropped the bottle onto the desk, causing some of the alcohol to splash onto Betty's shirt. "Si, are you okay?" Betty said, not worrying about August's T-shirt. Silas shook his head and sat on the bed.

"Betty, it's not fair. He always gets the girls and the money and it's not fair," Silas rambled. Betty looked at him weird but sat next to him anyways.

"Si, what are you talking about?" Betty asked. Silas looked up at her softly with a small smile.

"You, Betty. I'm talking about you. I want you," he answered. The fifteen-year-old shook her head quickly.

"Si, you don't mean that. You're just drunk-"

"No! I'm not! I want you," he interrupted, starting to get a bit aggressive. He placed his hand on her bare leg and glanced into her eyes. Betty caught a glimpse at his looked, to see that Silas' eyes went dark. His grip became strong. And out of nowhere, he kissed her. The stench of Vodka made Betty want to vomit, but she couldn't. She couldn't do anything. Fear had paralyzed her and her fight or flight response malfunctioned. His hands started to wander and all she could do was pray that August came in or pray that it was over soon.

8:15 AM

Amelia met Teddy outside of the daycare bright an early the next morning to get her baby. Excitedly, she took Leo from Teddy and kissed his head. "Hey., momma's boy. Did you miss me?" she asked, kissing his head. Teddy smiled a the small exchange and handed off the diaper bag.

"We missed Betty last night, but we did survive," Teddy said. Amelia furrowed her eyebrows but decided to leave it alone and investigate on her own.

"Oh, yeah, she came back last night after realizing she left her backpack and got swamped with homework she'd forgotten about," Amelia lied. Teddy nodded and shrugged.

"Well, maybe next time. Now, go home, get some rest and I'll see you tonight," Teddy smiled. Amelia cocked her head to the side.

"What's tonight?" she asked, putting Leo in his car seat.

"Callie's welcome home dinner tonight. Owen didn't mention it?" Teddy asked. Amelia shook her head. "Oh well, it's tonight at Arizona's at 7," Teddy informed before being paged away. Amelia watched her leave and took a deep breath.

"Leo, mommy has no idea where your sister is," she said to the baby boy. He stared at her for a second before bursting into laughter. "Why is that funny? You want sissy to be in trouble, don't you?" she asked, before taking him out of the hospital and to her car.


Betty walked down the same street of her house but when she saw Amelia in the drive way getting Leo and some groceries out, she duct behind the neighbors house and decided to sneak in through the  bathroom window. Quickly she pushed open the unlocked window and slipped in to the tiny washroom. She heard the front door open and threw her bag into the bathtub, knowing she wasn't gonna make it to her bedroom before Amelia could see her. In the mirror, Betty lightly ran her hand over her bruised neck and winced at her slight tough. There was no way she could cover that and there was no way Amelia was just gonna turn a blind eye to it. "Betty you here?" Amelia called, as she shut the door and got Leo out of his seat. Quickly, Betty pulled her hair to the front and zipped up her jacket completely.

"In the bathroom," she answered. "I'll be out in a minute," Betty frantically stalled. She shut the bathtub curtain to hide her bag and walked out of the bathroom.

"There you are," Amelia smiled. "What happened to you last night?" She asked to keep Betty's attention long enough to check out her eyes. Betty shook her head and tried to walk past Amelia but was stopped when she quickly skidded in front of her. "Hey. I asked you a question," Amelia calmly reiterated. Betty started to pick at her nail and kept her head low.

"I went to Teddy's last night," she lied. Amelia chuckled and hoisted Leo higher on her good side.

"That's hilarious because Teddy said that she and Leo missed you last night. And you clearly weren't here. So, maybe you didn't hear me right. Let me ask you again. What happened to you last night?" Amelia asked more sternly this time. An annoyed, Betty pushed past Amelia and sat on the couch.

"I was out okay. I had to take care of something," Betty yelled. Amelia sat on the chair and allowed Leo to slide to floor to stand and play on the table.

"And that something was so important that you couldn't pick up this morning when I called you?" Amelia fought. Betty rolled her eyes and folded her arms.

"My phone died," she muttered. Amelia didn't even recognize the girl on her couch. The attitude was overbearing and the body language reeked of old Betty.

"What has gotten into you," Amelia asked. Betty silently shrugged as she mean mugged Amelia.

"Nothing. Can I be excused now?" Betty Ridley asked. Amelia felt her anger boiling up and nodded.

"Please do and quickly. Don't come out of that room until you figure out how to be more respectful," Amelia punished. Betty stomped off and slammed the door, causing Leo to jump and Amelia run her splint free hand through her hair. Amelia quickly found herself at a loss, since anyone she knew with kids had kids under 10 or a boy. No one had teenager girls. No one had solutions. But she had to call someone. Just to vent at least. Amelia put Leo in he play pen and ran to sit on the front porch. She dialed a familiar number and leaned against one of the columns. "Charlotte? I need your help," Amelia said.

"What's going on, Amelia?" A sweet country accent asked. Amelia dropped her head and sighed.

"Everything?" She mumbled. Tears started to fall down her cheeks as the realization of how messy her life had become.

To Be Continued...

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