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Isa's room, 12:01 a

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Isa's room, 12:01 a.m

Isa fumbled with her keys as she reached in her room. Her forehead was bedewed with remnants of fear. With shaking hands, she threw the keys on the glass table and made her way towards the kitchen; her feet wiggling in unknown terror. While walking towards the kitchen, she put on the radio. Classic music spread in her small room, making her soul little calm.

Knifing her way through bluish darkness, she reached at her destination and jerked open her refrigerator. Her dried throat needed water. Taking out the bottle bottle from it, she drank the bone-chilling water in one go; some rimmed out of her mouth and drenched her throat and dress.

Isa was terrified about something. What it was? Her each heartbeat was warning her that something bad was about to happen. Unfortunately, she didn't know what it was, but still she knew that darkness was about to unfold in front her eyes.

Wiping mouth with back of her hand, Isa somehow made her feet walk towards a coffee table. She was not even in her senses to put on the lights. Floor beneath her feet was cold as ice. Outside shower of rain was dampening the surrounding. From far she could listen gentle bursting of clouds and whirling of winds. Something horrible was about to come.

Feeling nervous and terrified, middle age lady plopped on the chair beside the coffee table. Plopping her elbows on the table, she pressed her throbbing forehead and listened her uneven breaths mixed with soft music on radio. She softly closed her eyes then, trying to calm herself.

On the clock, it was now 12:30. Isa was assleep. Crossing her hands over the table, she had placed her heavy forehead on it. She had completely put herself in relaxed state. But...her sound sleep wasn't for long. Enviroment around her wasn't in relaxed state.

Isa jerked opened her eyes when her cat threw the glass on the floor with crackling sound. Her heart jumped with terror for a second, but when she caught her cat licking her left out milk, she smiled. Smiling gently, she stood and was about to walk towards the mess which her cat had created, when suddenly she found someone's presence behind her. Her eyes widened just like saucers. It was the familiar presence. It was the presence which always scared her. Her feet again wiggled; her breaths again got raspy. Single drop of sweat flowed down her forehead and ran down her cheek. Her eyes watered.

She definitely wasn't safe.


Sob escaped her lips as the voice drawled her name like a hiss of reptile. Her room echoed with that voice.Terror crawled against her skin. Everything numbed; she could only hear her accelerated speed of heartbeats.

She jumped and cried as strong hand pressed her shoulder. Her cry got louder as the owner of the hand dug fingers in her flesh. 

"Mistake," the voice dangerously whispered closed to her ear, causing her body to fill up with chills. "This is not what I'd expected from you, Isa."

"M_master, I_I can explain," Isa fumbled. Her whole body was now drenched with transpiration of fear. She lied. She didn't have any explanation what she had done. Whatever she had done was good for someone according to her. But while doing so, she didn't think about the consequences, or did she?

Her master violently turned her around. Her breath hitched in her throat as the master grabbed her tiny throat and lifted her off the floor without showing any mercy on her age and poor health. He was evil, his emerald eyes blazing with rage, eyebrows deeply knitted together.

"Why?" hee growled, shaking Isa furiously. With her each breath, he was plowing his fingers in her skin. She quelled under his deadly grip."Why such betrayal?" he bellowed. "Why?"

Isa didn't want to answer anything. She was ready to die, but she couldn't break the promise she had given to someone. Breaking her silence meant someone's misery -- she couldn't afford it.

"Speak!" Master furiously shook her once again; her brain hit against her skull. She gasped for breath as she sensed her windpipe blocking her breaths. She coughed blood. "Speak. The. Truth."

She answered silence, and then clouds bursted in the sky with the outraged roar of master. With force he slammed Isa on the glass table. Back of her head banged on the table and blood oozed like a stream with cracks of the glass. Her eyes rolled as unconsciousness clouded her vision, but master would not leave her in such state. He needed answers, anyhow, because he hated silence. For him silence was quos, and he always eradicated quos to never return again.

"You have got a last chance, Isa," he growled on Isa's face, glaring her with ire. He hated betrayal too. But no...his last warning didn't affect Isa. She pursed her lips, clenching her fist. She had no fear now. She was ready for death, because she knew whatever she was doing was right -- there was no question about it.

Isa got surprise when master slackened his grip from her throat. He backed down...Why? Did he have anything in his devil mind?

Holding a catatonic expression, he stared Isa. Somewhere he came to know that his employee would not tell anything to him. He also came to know that she wasn't scared of her death too. Now what he would do?

He would take dire decision which would force Isa to reveal everything. Sneering at Isa, he put his hand in his pant pocket and slowly dug out...an emerald pendant.

Isa's eyes widened in horror. She was aware of her death...but she hadn't thought of other consequence which was cruel than death. She had underestimated her powerful master. She shouldn't have.

Before she could emanate a scream, master hammered the pendant on her forehead. Earspliting sound reverberated in the atmosphere and huge wave of scalding air burned the house in instant. Isa's house set on fire, with her body pulverised into ash.

Master guffawed on his achievement as he lifted the glinting pendant from Isa's ash. He dusted off the ash off it and put it in his pocket.

"You underestimated my power, Isa," he whispered, his powerful demeanour blazing with flames of fire. "Now your silly secrets aren't safe." With triumphant roar he broke the table into pieces. " Now your brain is in my control, Isa.  Your every move is in my control."

Laughing he picked one piece of the glass and sniggered...looking at Isa's helpless face in it.

"Congratulation, Isa. You are trapped."


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