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I never doubted George, rather the moment had not come in my life where I would doubt him. Since many months he had been ignoring me; even in those days the thought of doubt didn't enter my mind.

Today, I was restless. Inside me I could hear my heart breaking into many pieces, not only just because my best friend had seen my husband with a girl, but it was the information which mom had provided to me.

Strings of doubts were raw in my brain. 'What if' were the two words which were constantly plaguing me.

Blinking my bleary eyes, I weared my car left. With a turn, accumulated tears in my eyes landed on my skin of my hand.

"Just stay calm and talk with him, okay?" Mom said from the seat beside me. "I know you are a mature girl. Just keep your mind under control_"

"Mom," I interrupted her, tightening my fingers around the soft fabric of steering wheel. "I know what I should do." I could sense frustration, mixed with anger and pain, in my voice. Mom guessed it too. After that she didn't say anything, but my mind was saying many things.

My mind had premonition that something bad, very bad, would happen within two hours, which would change my life completely. It not only would disturb my normal life, but it would also disturb the existence of cryptic world of my ancestors.

I would not stop though. I had to go at the place where Natalie had seen George with a girl.

She could be his colleague. My heart said, and gentle relief washed over me. And what if she wasn't? And what if he was the same partner which had been sent by the monsters. I shuddered.

With shivering body and wobbly feet, I kept on driving the car to reach at the destination.

After seemed like hours, my car reached in front of one huge, posh building. It was the place where Natalie had seen George.

I parked the car across the road. My heart was struggling in my chest with rapid beats of fear and anxiety. I didn't want anyhow my mind win over my heart. I wanted the information, which my mother provided to me, morphed into false statements. I ached for just a peaceful and happy life with my George.

I rolled out the key from the engine and was about to open the door of the car to come out, when book opened out of a sudden.

I screamed and pressed my back against the seat. My eyes widened and blood rushing fast in my body. What was it?

With quivering lips, I slowly shifted my gaze at my mother. She had the same expression on her face which I'd on mine. Knocking down the lump of fear down my throat, I touched her hand, helplessly.

"What_what is it?" I managed to ask.

"I_I think it's trying to tell you something," she fumbled, pressing her hands on her heart. "Why don't you see what is there on the page?"

No words slipped down my tongue. I simply nodded with numbness all over my body. I could feel droplets of sweat on my scalp, in spite of air conditioning in my car.

I gently pressed fingers of my feet on the floor of the car and craned my neck, to see why the book was suddenly open.

They are betrayer. They are cursed as betrayer.

Those words were written in bold in middle of the page with golden font.

What was it about? To who the book referred?

"It's weird," I whispered, leaning back, rubbing my heart. "What is it about?"

"It told you this now," mom said. "It means it has something to do with...future events."

"Future events?"

"Be careful, Heather." Mom squeezed my hand with anxiety clear in her eyes. My fear soared with the same pace. Now what? What would happen now?

I ignored all the questions and assumptions in my head and opened the door of my car. Cool breeze hit my frozen face. Whatever was about to happen was big, I had strong surety about it. It surprised me. Again and again the air around me was pulling me back from taking further steps, but still I was pushing myself ahead with force to enter the game.

Yes, a game. I wanted to see where exactly the game of my life wanted to take me. I wanted to experience it.

With new built courage in my heart, I strode towards the building where I couldn't see even a single person. There was only one black car parked across the road. If George was here, his car would be here somewhere; but it wasn't. I couldn't even see car of Natalie.

Was it the right place? My brain asked. I still walked forward though, as if someone was there behind me pushing me to taking further steps. It seemed I was protected.

With that shield of protection around me, I entered the building.

It was beautiful, speaking luxury. But strangest and conspicuous thing was absence of human beings. I couldn't even see the sound and voices of human activities. It was empty.

That's when I heard someone laughing. It was a feminine laugh. I made my way towards the source.

My heart contracting against my chest. It was unable for me to understand what exactly was happening around me. Who was playing games with me? Was it a trap for me? Or was it a trap for someone else?

With clenched fist, I continued walking, till I got the sound clear. The woman was continuously laughing as though someone was making her laugh?


With bated breath, when I reached behind the building and pushed the door open...

"You should have seen her face. She is a fool."

If those words had come out from someone else's mouth, I would have hold my heart and healed myself immediately. But the words were from someone I loved the most.

The words were coming from my husband's mouth, and they were definitely about me.

She was close to him, very close. The right which he had given to only me was now snatched away by someone else, rather it was snatched away by my husband.

The whole world seemed made up with the bricks of lie.

"George!" His name tasted bitter on my tongue. The taste of sweetness was long gone and now replaced with bitterness which I had not even expected in my life.

When he heard me calling his name and he sensed my presence, he stopped kissing the girl and turned around not wasting even second.

He didn't expect me here. He didn't want me in front of him. It appeared he had not planned for this, his widened eyes immediately told me.

"Heather," he walked forward, no guilt on his face, I moved back, holding my tears. Didn't he want to explain? "How did you come here? Who told you I'm here? Natalie?"

His questions were now harsh and angry. I could see flames of fire in his eyes. There should have been remorse in those eyes, but no; he was emanating just a fire. A fire of rage.

"She has to face the consequences, now," he muttered, and gasp escaped my lips. What was he talking about? Consequences?

I winced when nerves in my brain created a deadly pain in my head. My legs wobbled with the impact, my lips immediately dried. Air congested in my nostrils and even my breath turned raspy. My vision turned blurry.

What's happening to me?

I opened my mouth to say 'help', but my heart responded differently. I said: Betrayer. You are betrayer, George."

And then I found myself collapsing on the floor with faint scream of George in the background : "No!"


Hey guys, the next chapter is coming on Saturday.

Till then stay happy and keep reading :)

Love you all so much :)

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