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"In this world you have to learn to let go everything." Lara's words stung my heart. Her nonchalance created a deep hole of hatred in my heart for her. "Here dramatic moments are not allowed."

"What are you talking about?" I finally snapped. It was unendurable to hear one girl of my age blurting out those words of insensitiveness. Fireplace was already making my cold body hot, and now Lara's words were making me go crazy.

"How could you say something like that when someone is dead?" My lips tasted saltiness of my tears. "Isa is dead and_"

"Yes, she is dead. So what?" I flinched with Lara's earspliting voice. There wasn't a single thread of sensitivity glinting in her eyes. I could only see hatred, ego and blazing anger in those deep eyes. She seemed the sister of the Master who had thrown me in the ocean.

Did Lara have that capacity too? The capacity to kill people.

I qyailed with that thought and hastily sipped on my wafting, hot chocolate. It gave me little calmness, but what about my heart which was not yet out of Isa's death. All around me were killers -- nobody was trustworthy.

Someone's hand pressed my shoulder, and I dug my teeth in my bottom lip, to control my boiling fear.

"You don't need to worry, Heather." It was Samson, and once again, his words were full of assurance and positivity. "I am here to protect you."

"Don't give her any assurance, Sam," Lara chirped in, pulling the tab of her wine can as though pulling someone's hair in frustration. Every line of her face was describing how much venom she was holding in her heart. Was it true, or was I just taking into consideration my negative thoughts? I didn't want to know.

Samson was about to say something, angry girl towered over my sitting position and looked me down with merciless eyes.

"This world isn't a normal world," she clenched her jaw, her fist balled so tightly, it seemed her fingers would injure her palms. "Here each moments is either written with blood, or in last option of death."

I gasped.

"Here someone's death means normal thing. Here no one has any relation with anyone, and hense we live here with sense of detachment, a complete detachment, where no one cares about anyone. We can even kill each other if time ask_"

"Enough, Lara," Samson stood up, glaring the crazy girl in front of my eyes. Her horrific rant had  completely thrown me off guard. How could she say something like that when my mind was still trapped in the images of my death?

I needed escape. I needed it to free my mind from bursting into pieces. It definitely would have been difficult for me to live in atmosphere where death was hovering over me whole day.

But how would I do that?

"She needs some rest," Samson pressed his words and helped me to stand up on my feet. My body was completely numb to even respond to his touch. He took glass of hot chocolate from my hand and gave it to Lara, not before looking her with blazing eyes of anger. "Next time just control your mouth," he told the girl and placed his arm on my shoulder, helping me to walk towards the entrance of one room.

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