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Five years back continue...


The place where I would meet my mother was a secluded one. It was the place which my father had bought when I was ten. With lush trees and bushes all around our small farmhouse, the place was little cryptic and scary, too. I had never been here since my tenth birthday, but today when I was here, I could only remember the memories of me and my father.

But why mother had bought me here after so long?

She made me sit on the clunky chair of grandfather and walked towards the huge bookshelf of my father. She was searching for some book, special book in the shelf.

"Is it important?" I asked getting impatient.

"Very important," she answered, still doing her work of searching.

I sighed. It was already six in the evening, and George would come home now.

My heart blossomed with the previous night's moment. The moment I was waiting for, I had experienced it last night and it was one my those moments with George I'd lost myself. He made me feel special previous night, living no space empty of my soul. He was not only in my heart now, but he was everywhere I touch myself. But one moment made me feel sad.

The next day he wasn't there beside me. He was already gone for his work, living a red rose for me on the nightstand. His small gesture of love for me brought small smile on my face...but still I was little sad.

"I've got it." Mother's squeal gained my attention. My gaze snapped to her from my folded hands.

Mother was holding a huge notebook in her hand with eyes wide and huge grin on her face.

"At last I found it," she whispered, running her hand over the red cover of the book. "Since many months I was searching for it. It was here, hidden deep in your papa's bookshelf."

"Why is it so important?" I asked with bored expression. "And what it has to do with George?

Mother's face turned serious. Pressing her teeth on her bottom lip, she approached me. Pulling the chair across me, she sat on it and placed the book on her lap, looking straight in my eyes.

"I don't know what this,"-- she ran her hand on the book, "-- "book has to do with George. But, still, I don't understand, my understanding is telling that this book has the reason why George is behaving weird."

It lifted my curiosity, even after my brain's saying that how could one book hold a reason for George's weirdness.

"What's so special in that book?" I asked, staring at the gilded ends of the book. It seemed written hundred years ago.

"When you were one year, I and your father had gone to your paternal great grandmother's place."

"I have great grandmother?" I was surprised by this new information.

"You had," mother corrected me. "She left her body body when you turned five. She was 105 at that time, but still she had the zest to live the life in full. It was shocking for all of us, when she disappeared suddenly and found dead in the river. People in that village told that someone dragged her there and killed her."

"What?" It was shocking. "Why someone would kill such a old lady?"

Mother placed her both hand on the book, protectively, and said :"According to your father, she had one secret -- a big, dangerous secret."

"What is it?"

Mother chewed on her lips for a long time, in seemed like thinking how to put the informatiom into words. "As per your father, your paternal great grandfather wasn't a human being."

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