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I looked around and noticed my dad at the doorway of my bedroom.

"Lorenzo? Are you ready for your first day?" He asked me as he signed.

"Yep," I signed back.

I grabbed my bag as I left my room. I came downstairs and saw Mom getting her attention. I signed to her, and she signed back. I smiled, and she smiled back.

My mom has autism, but she learned how to sign before I was even born when she and my dad were dating. It helped when they found out I was deaf.

I can read lips, sign, and text. I can't speak since I don't know how to do it. But it doesn't matter because my family and friends treat me like everyone. My grampa has been the principal of the high school for years but retired, as did Nana.

My Uncle Wade took over. He was a cool dude. He always made sure people stayed on the strait and narrow. It made high school so much easier.

I sat at the table and ate breakfast as the door opened as Cade and Julian came in. They signed to me as I signed back then went back to eating.

Cade was Uncle Cole and Uncle Wade's son, Julian was Adrian and Sylvia's son, and they also were my best friends.

I finished breakfast and kissed my mom, Dad, a high five, and left. I got into the car as did they, and we made our way to school. They talked, and I looked out the window. Unless they were facing me, I had no clue what they were talking about to each other.

It didn't bother me any. Just because I'm deaf doesn't mean people have to cater to me.

We pulled up and walked into school. Uncle Wade greeted us, and I made my way to my locker. I opened it and tossed my bag inside before shoving my phone into my pocket.

I leaned against the lockers as I watched everyone. Imagine silence all the time. That's what it's like for me.

I waited for Cade and Julian so I could head to class. Since I can't hear bells, they help me. I stayed there for a while, then pulled out my phone. I scrolled through social media as I waited.

I didn't hear footsteps, and someone collided into me, knocking me off my feet and causing my phone to go flying. I propped myself up as the person looked at me. She was beautiful, but I couldn't make out what she was saying. I just looked at her as she frowned at me.

I got up, walked over to my phone, picked it up, and walked away. Sometimes I'm glad I can't hear because then I would have to deal with that. Who knows what the girl was saying?

Cade and Julian found me wandering the halls and told me it was time for class. I went to class, and the teacher passed out a syllabus, just like my other classes.

Either Cade or Julian would tell me what they said since both were in classes with me. Wade thought it would be better to pair me with one of them since they knew sign language. The only thing I didn't do was sports. Not that I couldn't, but I had no interest in it.

I would watch Cade and Julian, but I prefer other things like books. The TV was okay because of the closed caption, but ultimately, I love to read.

I waited for them to come out of the locker room when the same girl came up to me and started gesturing at me. Not a clue what she was saying, but I knew she was a cheerleader from her outfit. I just stood there.

Then Cade and Julian came out and saw her.

"And another thing, when someone is talking to you, it's only polite to respond. You don't have to be rude about it," the girl snapped.

Again, not a clue what she was saying.

They walked over after hearing the exchange and sign to me. I nodded as the girl stood there, shocked.

Cade turned to her. "He's deaf."

"Well, he looks normal to me," she retorted.

"Yeah, because he is. He can't hear you," Cade remarked.

She looked at me as I nodded in agreement. She said nothing except walk away.

"Lorenzo, why must you attract the crazies?" Julian signed. I just shrugged. We laughed as we went to the car.

It's interesting. My parents always told me normal is a dryer setting. At least that's what my family told me. Now I wasn't so sure. Being deaf was different. I couldn't hear, but I can see, feel, smell, and touch things where others couldn't. They say when you lose one sense; it heightens the others.

I sat in the car and stared out the window. When we got to my house, I went inside and up to my room. Julian and Cade told my parents what happened. I didn't want their pity. I just wanted my books.

As I laid on my bed reading, I noticed my light flash and looked up to see Mom standing there. She asked if she could come into the room? I told her she didn't need to ask. She was always welcome.

She came over and sat down on my bed with me. We talked. That was the thing my mom understood me. She knew what it was like to be different. While most saw the autism, I just saw her for what she was, my mom.

She could take care of me. Dad said the Autism helped her with me. She could understand me better than anyone. To me, it was a blessing. I was close to my parents, but I was close to my mom.

While others would have given up on me, she fought for me. She said that we all need people to fight for us, even when we couldn't fight for ourselves. For that, I was grateful.

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