Well, this is unexpected

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I was working on a new case when Carolyn came into my office.

"Adrian, they handed us a new child case," she announced.

"Carolyn, I'm already knee-deep in cases. Plus, I've been dealing with Julian and his therapies along with Enzo," I told her. It was true. I had a lot on my plate.

"Well, you may want to hear about this one," she said to me. She gave me a look. I knew that look. It was these kids need you to look, ugh.

"Okay, lay it on me," I said, leaning back in my chair.

She smiled and opened the file, "Two children. Ages six and three. The boy is six, and the girl is three. They took children after their mother died of a drug overdose. Mother was single. Father unknown."

I looked at her.

"Let me see that," I said, holding out my hand. Carolyn placed the file in it. I put it on my desk. I looked through it, then came across something. The mother used a sperm donor. No wonder the father was unknown.

There was the name of the sperm bank and a number, unusual. No way could I find out who the donor was unless I got a court order to subpoena the records. I made a call.

I prefer to make sure children end up in a loving home and get their rights, then let them go to the system. Who knows what could happen?

When I found out some dancer got pregnant from a one-night stand and who the father was, I fought for her rights ended. It involved her with multiple men and drugs. Then I sent Carolyn to bring the baby to Wade and Cole. Since then, Cade grew up in a loving and well-adjusted home.

Within an hour, a judge issued a subpoena, and I picked it up along with the information. I took it to the sperm bank. I walked inside and went to the front desk. I explained who I was and showed them my credentials along with the subpoena. The secretary nodded and took the information from me.

I stood there and waited.

So many people can't have kids or denied the adoption. They end up opting for this, but it's always a gamble and is expensive.

A few minutes later, the woman returned with a file. I opened the folder and looked through it. It gave all the details of the donor who was age was twenty and dark hair. Brown eyes. Six foot one. Athletic build and funny. It's the basic stats of someone.

Then I looked at the rest of the forms and whoa. My face turned to surprise as I looked at the name listed. Well, this changes everything. I need to meet these kids. Then I need to deliver a bombshell.

I handed her back the file and left. I called Carolyn and had her meet me where they housed the kids.

She met me outside, and we went into a building. A woman led us to a room where the kids were staying. We walked in, and they were sitting at a table, playing with a wooden puzzle.

I walked over to them and pulled up a chair. The kids both looked at me.

"Hi, I'm Adrian," I said to them.

"Hi," the boy said.

"Are you playing with a puzzle?" I asked them.

The little girl nodded as she put a piece in, and when she got it wrong, the boy helped her. I looked at them. Damn, the resemblance was uncanny.

We talked more, and they were sweet kids. As much I hated the fact Carolyn dropped this case in my lap, I was glad. Now to fill in the donor. That should be interesting.


I yelled into the kitchen. "I don't care. We aren't making a cake!"

"Aww," Cole yelled from the cake.

I swear Cole turned into Betty Crocker. There was a knock at the door, and I opened it to see Adrian standing there.

"How about brownies?" Cole yelled back.

"Fine!" I yelled back.

"Bad time?" Adrian asked me.

"If you mean besides the fact, I'm sick of cake at the moment, not really. What's up?" I asked Adrian.

"Do you remember back in college when you were depositing your love juices, Morris?" Adrian asked me.

I thought about it, then said, "Unfortunately. Not one of my better moments. I think I did it twice, then stopped."

"Why?" He asked me with a look.

"I was short on cash," I shrugged.

"That explains so much," he said, chuckling.


"I think you need to see something," he said to me, and I looked at him. Now what?

Cole and I followed Adrian to a building, and we pulled up. We got out of the car and made our way inside. A woman led the three of us to a playroom.

She opened the door, and we walked in to find a boy and girl playing.

"Adrian, what is this?" I asked him.

"Morris, meet your son and daughter," he said to me, and my eyes widened as Cole's jaw dropped. What the hell?

I stood there in shock as we stared at them. Then Adrian shoved me towards them.

Cole looked at Adrian. "This wouldn't be another oopsie, would it?"

"No," he chuckled as Cole nodded.

I pulled up a chair and looked at them. Whoa, these were my kids.

I stared at them. The little girl looked like Cade when he was three. The boy's hair was lighter, but he had different color eyes. Must have gotten the color from the mom.

I looked at Cole, who said, "We get two instead of one. Even better." He grinned. I had a feeling we wouldn't be leaving here without them. No matter what I said, I would cave anyway.

I looked at them. "What's your name?"

The boy looked at me. "I'm Blake, and that's Brooklyn," he said as he pointed at the little girl.

I looked at her. "How old are you, sweetheart?"

"I'm fwee," she said, holding up three fingers.

"How old are you?" I asked the boy.

"I'm six. Who are you, and why are you asking us questions?" He asked me with a look. I had a feeling this kid had a rough time.

"I'm your dad," I told him.

"Who's he?" He asked, pointing at Cole.

"That's my husband," I said to him.

"Oh, cool," he said.

Wow, he reminded me of Cole when I met him. He's quiet.

I stood up and walked over to Adrian. "Are you sure about this?"

"Morris, you're both exactly what these kids need just like Cade," Adrian told me, great. I looked at Cole, who was bouncing in his spot, dying for me to say yes.

"Okay," I chuckled.

Cole exclaimed, "Woo-hoo! More kids!"

I looked at him, "No more after this."

"Psh, I'm good. Let's take the kids home," Cole said enthusiastically. I couldn't help but laugh. It looks like we just expanded our family. Cade will love us.

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