The storm

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I thought about what Elias said. Maybe it was time, to be honest with everyone and myself, but I need to take care of something.

I left the house and picked him up; then we drove to a spot. He tried to kiss me, but I pushed him away.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked me.

"I can't do this anymore," I said, not looking at him.

"But this is our thing," he said to me.

"No, it's your thing. I never wanted this." I turned and looked at Louis. He looked at me with furrowed brows.

"Julian," Louis said.

"No, Louis, I'm done. This agreement isn't what I wanted. It's what you wanted," I told him.

"Really? Because you were okay when we were messing around, then having sex," he snarled.

"And it's wrong. Don't you get it? What we do isn't love. It's sex. It doesn't even mean anything. Is that what you want?" I asked him.

He looked at me. I could see anger build inside of him. It wasn't uncommon. Anytime I didn't want to do something, he would get mad. Finally, I did it, so I didn't have to deal with him.

"I told you that you were mine, Julian. From the first time to now, you're mine and only mine," he growled.

"I was thirteen. What would our dads say?" I looked at him.

"You will never tell him or yours. It's none of their damn business. You want to call it quits then fine. But not before we have some fun," he smirked. I looked at him as horror filled my face. From there, all hell broke loose as he unleashed horrors in that car. Fears I never wanted to speak of, ever.

I sat there alone in my car in shock. Louis beat me bloody, and I had the worst possible sexual experience. I couldn't even speak of it. I couldn't tell anyone. Not when Louis was a member of Cade and Lorenzo's family.

They would never believe me since I told no one I was gay except for Cole, let alone seeing Louis Harrison. Why would they even believe me? I've been lying to everyone, including myself.

I drove until I found myself in front of a house. I sat there. I didn't even know what to do at this point. I just didn't know.

Then I heard a tap on the window. I turned and saw Cole standing there. I looked at him, and he opened the door. Cole took a seat in the seat next to me. He reached over and pulled me to him. I cried as I gripped his coat.

"Shh, I got you."

Tonight my life changed forever. My past collided with my present, changing my future, all because of lying.


I went to the store to pick up some snacks. Okay, I went to pick up junk food. Don't judge. Sometimes we just need junk to balance everything.

Then I heard a voice behind me. "Wow, you grew up to be a handsome guy."

I turned around to see a trashy-looking woman standing there.

"Maybe I should have kept you; then you would have been all mine."

"Lady, you're sick," I told her. "Scratch that, you're no lady."

"You shouldn't talk to your mother like that," she snapped.

Oh, hell no, no way was this woman my birth mother.

"Or better yet, maybe I should have aborted you so those two queers wouldn't have gotten their hands on you," she sneered.

"You're sick. Stay the hell away from me," I said, turning and walking away. My birth mother was a strung-out junkie. What the fuck?

I quickly went to my car and drove home. That was surreal. As I drove, I noticed someone follows me. What the hell? I kept driving and dialed Dad. Wade answered.

"Someone is following me!"

"Cade, where are you?" Wade asked me.

"I'm on Hightower. That junkie found me. Dad," I said, but I didn't see the lights as I heard the crash dropping the phone. A truck slammed into me, causing the car to flip.

"Cade? Cade? Cade!" Wade yelled at the other end of the phone.

One stupid mistake of my father's past collided with my present to alter my future. They say the past can impact our future. I learned this the hard way. What happens after this is anyone's guess? But as of now, it has altered the future.


I had been teaching Everly sign language, and she was picking it up reasonably quickly. She could talk to me in simple sentences. It was helping to learn more about each other.

I would go to her house, and every time I kept my eye on that asshole that lived there. I didn't like him. There was something off about him.

One day we were talking in the garden as the weather was unseasonably warm. We laughed as she made mistakes with signing, and I helped her correct them. It was nice to spend time with Everly. I was finding myself growing more and more fond of her.

Then one day, I came out and saw Owen with her. They were arguing with each other. Then I saw her hand drop, and she signed you help me to me.

I had Cade drop me off at her house. He had something to do this evening. My guess was junk food and movie night with his dads. Julian was also busy taking care of something.

Before Cade left, I told him I would call my dad and let him know. He told me okay, except that the call would never come. He pulled out of the driveway, and I walked to the door.

I knocked, but no one answered it. I didn't hear the screams or things crashing, but I saw movement through the curtains. Ever get a terrible feeling about something? Yeah, I got that.

The decision I made next would change everything. My grandpa's and uncle's past would collide with my present, altering my future. I banged on the door, and when no one answered it, I busted in the door.

What I saw horrified me. The place trashed, and Owen was on top of Everly, squeezing her neck. She was trying to fight him, but she was losing.

At that moment, I decided. I didn't care. I couldn't stand by and not do anything. I tackled Owen and started beating the hell out of him.

Everly gasped for air as I continued to hit him over and over until he lost consciousness. I didn't stop until Everly stopped me. She pointed, and I saw the lights. I got up, and we ran out of the house through the back door.

I grabbed her hand, and we ran. I didn't know where we were going, but I knew one thing; she was alive and safe.

At that moment, a past event just collided with my present, changing the future. What happened now was anyone's guess. What I knew was I couldn't go home.


They say the choices we make in our past shape our present and affect our future. With every storm comes rain before a Rainbow emerges. A rainbow is the reflection of light off raindrops, creating colors of beauty.

Enzo, Cade, and Julian would need that rainbow more now than ever. Sometimes to weather the storm, be the storm.

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