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I took Julian to the hospital. I called Sylvia, and she arrived soon after we did. They examined him and gave us the news. I felt my heart sank. Julian cried and kept apologizing over and over. I assured him it wasn't his fault.

Sylvia stayed with him while I went to get some air. I needed to breathe. After catching my breath, I went back inside and ran into Cole, who was on the phone.

He got off the phone and looked at me. "What are you doing here?" I asked Cole.

"Cade was in a car accident," he told me.

"Damn, I'm sorry to hear that. How is Cade?" I asked him.

"Banged up. Got a few cuts, but Cade was lucky. I'm guessing that you're here with Julian," he said to me.

"Yeah, Julian's mom is back with him. Cole, whoever did this, beat and raped my boy," I said as I broke. He pulled me to him as I cried. Cole offered me comfort at that moment.

A few minutes later, Antonio and Rain walked in with Enzo and Everly. I looked at her, and her appearance stunned me. We stood there as Rain and Antonio took her back. Enzo stayed behind.

He told us what happened, and we stood there, not knowing what to think. Enzo asked why we were here, and I couldn't talk about it. It was too hard. I walked to the back and left Cole with him because Julian needed me.


I stood there with Enzo. I had a feeling I knew who did this to Julian, but I had no proof. It was a mess.

I sat down and explained what was going on with Enzo. He furrowed his brows. It was a lot to take in. He wanted to see them.

I took him back, and he saw Cade first.

"How are you feeling?" Enzo asked Cade.

"Okay, except I feel like I got hit by a truck. Oh wait, I did," Cade told Enzo.

"That's not funny," I said to Cade.

"It's a little funny," he shrugged as Wade rolled his eyes.

"At least he still has his sense of humor," Wade sighed.

I swear my boy has a warped sense of humor.

We left to see Julian. I figure Julian needed Enzo. Once Enzo saw him, I went back to Cade.


Enzo walked up, and I had my parents give us a few minutes. They gave me some space.

"What's going on?" Enzo asked me worriedly.

"If I tell you, you promise not to judge me?" I asked him.

"Promise," Enzo signed.

"I've been hooking up with someone. I broke it off with the person, and the person attacked me," I said to Enzo.

"Oh my god," he said to me.

I sighed and finally was honest about it. "It was a guy. Enzo, I'm gay."

"And?" Enzo asked me.

"You're okay with it?" I asked him, surprised.

"Why wouldn't I be? If you can accept my deafness, I can accept you are gay, and Cade being a doof," he grinned. I had to chuckle. Enzo always knew how to make me feel better.


"No worries," he said as he leaned on the bed. "It seals my lips. If you ever want to talk."

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