Hearing without words

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I walked into school and went to my locker. I opened it and put my bag inside. As I closed it, the girl from yesterday was standing there. I looked at her as she looked at me. Then she took out a notepad, wrote something, and held it up at me.

Hi, my name is Everly. I'm sorry about yesterday. I didn't know.

I looked at her. Cade walked up. He signed it to me, and I signed back. He nodded, then translated for me. "He says it's okay and nice to meet you."

"I don't know sign language," she said.

"He understands. Most people don't. He's used to people not knowing," Cade explained.

"How did you learn to sign?" She asked me.

"My mom and dad taught me. My mom took an interest in it before I was born. When they found out I was deaf, they taught me how to sign," I signed back.

"Can you speak?" Everly asked me.

"No, I never practiced. I can only sign or text to communicate," I explained.

"Oh," she said.

I stood there. I figured the girl would walk away. Most did when they found out I was deaf. It didn't bother me. Like my parents and family said, if they care, they'll learn.

I waved, then walked away.

She looked at Cade. "Is he okay?"

"Don't take it personally. Lorenzo is used to people not communicating with him. Most people don't take the time to learn," he said before walking away.

I went to my class and took my seat. People started walking in as I sat there in silence.

Once everyone took their seats, the teacher wrote on the board. Julian got my attention and started signing to me. He was telling me we had a class project and paired with someone. It was a who was my project. Our partner had to say to the people who we were. It was a month-long project.

I hope Julian is my partner.

After class, I walked to the front and checked to see who my partner was, and it was Everly Ryan.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked to see the girl from earlier. She pointed to her name than to herself. I looked at her. I didn't know how this would work. She didn't know sign language, and I didn't know how to communicate with her.

I watched as she took out a piece of paper and wrote something on it. She handed the paper to me.

Here is my number 555-5723. You can text me so we can communicate.

I looked up from the paper, nodding, and Everly smiled, then waved before leaving. She had a sweet smile.

At lunch, I found Cade and Julian sitting at a table and took a seat. I started eating; then, two people caught Cade and Julian's attention.

"You can't be serious," a girl said.

"What?" Another asked.

"Everly, you will fail and get kicked off the squad," she told her.

"Who says," she asked her.

"He's deaf," she said in a snobbish tone.

"Yeah, so?" Everly asked her.

"Communicate. Don't tell me you will do it through text," a girl scoffs.

"Well, I don't know sign language," she shrugged.

"Your funeral," she sighed.

"What the hell was that," Julian asked Cade.

"Stupidity," Cade huffed.

I just ate my lunch, not knowing what transpired a few minutes ago. That was the thing about being deaf. You didn't hear the asinine comments.

I knew people talked about me. They would make gestures and treat me like I was less than them. I learned to ignore them. It was the only thing I could do.

As I was getting my books from my locker, Cade and Julian filled me in on what happened at lunch. I looked at them as they apologized. I just shrugged. I can't help it that I'm deaf. It's who I was.

Then I saw Everly and some girl walk by me. I waved at Everly, but she kept walking. Well, okay.

"Enzo," Cade signed.

"It's okay. I get it," I signed. I closed my locker, and we went to the car. I got inside and shut the door, then looked out the window. I'll make it easy on her. I'll write about myself, and that way she wouldn't have to worry about failing, even though I probably would fail.

When I got home, Mom asked how my day was. I told her the truth, then went up to my room. Once inside, I got to work, writing everything I could about me. It took two hours, but I finished.

When I finished, I pulled out the paper she gave me and crumbled it up, tossing it into the trash. Then I went to have dinner. I will take a failing grade than work with someone that treats me poorly.

Dad asked how my day was, and I told him. He told me not to worry. Dad said the right person would take their time with me. He was right. My parents were terrific. Therefore, I didn't worry about ignorant people.

After dinner, I scrolled through my phone. Eventually, I turned in and went to bed. Tomorrow was a new day.

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