Out of darkness comes light

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After losing Grandpa Luke, we dealt with it the best way we all could. It was rough, but each day got a little better. After being off for a few days from school, we returned to school. Maybe the everyday routine will help.

Holidays would suck, but we just dealt with them the best way we could.

Sitting at the table, Everly got bombarded with questions about her mom and what they found. Julian signed, so I knew what was going on.

"They found your stepfather buried? That's disturbing," Andi said to her.

"Yeah, and even worse, Owen confessed to killing him," she told her.

"That dude is freaking nuts," Cade added.

"I'm just glad Mom came home," she said with relief.

"So what happens now," Andi asked her, and I looked at her.

"We're moving to another house. We've been staying in a hotel room for the time being. I refuse to go back to that house," she said.

"I don't blame you, who wants to go back to a house of horrors," Cade said, and we all looked at him.

"Ignore my boyfriend. He's an idiot." Andi told us.

We all looked at Cade. Julian and I signed to each other, "Boyfriend?"

"Wait, don't I get a say in this?" He asked her.

"No, because you would take a hundred years to decide what you want, Mr. Indecisiveness," she retorted.

I had to laugh at that. It was pretty accurate with Cade. They looked at me, and I shrugged.

We finished lunch and went to our next class. Everly and I walked hand in hand.

"How are things going with losing your grandpa," she asked me

"They're okay. We're taking day by day. I'm glad they locked Owen away and can't hurt you," I signed.

"I am, too," she smiled.

I loved her smile and loved everything about her. I looked at her.

"What?" She asked me.

Then I did something I don't think she was expecting. I signed, "I love you," to her.

She stared at me a bit of a surprise. "You love me?"

I nodded.

She reached around my neck with one arm and kissed me. Then she looked at me. "I love you too." A smile grew upon my face.

We continued to walk to class. I didn't plan on falling in love with Everly, but I did. There was something about her. Maybe because neither of us was perfect, but we were perfect for each other. Whatever the case was, there was one thing I wanted to do and knew I would need help on it.


Great, I got suckered into having a girlfriend, a hot, crazy girlfriend, but a girlfriend. Why did it have to be me?

As I banged my head against the locker, I heard someone say, "Either you're having girl problems or trying to knock some sense into yourself."

I turned to see Cole even better.

I turned around and leaned against it with my back.

"Whatever it is, I don't think it's that bad," he assured me.

"I have a girlfriend now and didn't know it," I told him.

"Oh, that's a problem, actually, not a problem, that's fantastic!" He said enthusiastically.

"Wait. What?"

"Cade, you have a girlfriend means one step closer to marriage and one step closer to babies," he grinned.

"That's disturbing how you have my future planned out," I said to him. He chuckled.

"This is so not funny. What was I going to do?" I asked Cole.

"Do you like her?"

"Well, yeah," I shrugged.

"Then have fun with it. Cade, you have a habit of overthinking everything. You always have, but now go with it. You may think this isn't a good thing, but trust me it is," he assured me.

I looked at him. He was right; I overthought things a lot. Every time I turned around, I was overthinking things. I just stood there and leaned my head back, letting out a deep sigh.

I had a feeling my life just got flipped upside down. And her name is Andi.


Let's see, Enzo has found love with someone, Cade has a girlfriend, and here I was still single having shared a kiss with Elias. I know I wanted to take my time, but there was something about Elias that drew me to him.

I went to see him after school. Maybe I can see where we stand with each other. I let Dad know what was going on, so he didn't worry. He told me to tell Elias that he said hi.

I pulled up to the coffee shop and got out. I made my way inside only to get smacked with a harsh truth. There was Elias, leaning on the counter, talking to another guy, and laughing.

Then I watched as a guy leaned in towards his ear. They laughed and smiled. What happened next crushed me? The guy kissed Elias on the cheek. I stood there as I watched a truth unfold in front of me.

That confirmed everything Louis ever told me. That when it came down to it, people who say they care, don't. That no matter what, no one would ever love me because I'm not that kind of guy. It's better just to shut down any feelings and have fun.

I turned and walked to the door as I heard someone yell, "Julian?"

I didn't bother to look; I just left. What took weeks to deal with destroyed in minutes. I just drove around as my eyes welled with tears. Who wants someone that someone attacked them? I should have never told him. I should have never opened up. I should have just kept my mouth shut.

Finally, I went home. I walked in, and Dad looked at me. "How did it go?"

"Well, Elias is seeing someone, and I got duped once again. So, yeah, that's how it went," I said to him. He looked at me with furrowed brows. "I'm going to my room. At least there I don't have to listen to someone lies to me, but then again, Louis was right. No one will ever love me," I said as I went upstairs.

I was so done. I'm over with even remotely opening up and having feelings for someone as far as it concerned me, never again.

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