A discovery and a shock

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After Uncle Reed gave the police some information, they did some digging, namely in the backyard behind Everly's house. They first brought cadaver dogs, and when they got confirmation, they excavated the ground.

Then they found a discovery confirming what they suspected. There lay a human skeleton. The police collected it and took it to the medical examiner to compare dental records so they could identify it.

Once they identified it, they collected all the information. The officers left the police station and drove over to Grandpa's house. A detective got out of the car and walked up to the house. He knocked on the door.

Grandpa answered it. Grandma and Everly came to the door, and he told them what they had found. Everly stood there in shock.

Grandma comforted her, and he spoke to Grandpa, who nodded to him. Then the detective turned and pointed at the car. The other detective stood there and opened up the back passenger car door.

Someone steps out of the backseat.

Everly's eyes widened, "Mom!"

Everly's mom smiled as Everly ran out of the house as her mom walked towards her. She crashed into her. She wrapped her arms around her and hugged her.

Grandpa and Grandma stepped out of if the house, watching the reunion.

"Where was she?" He asked the detective.

"She was taking care of her father. He took ill, and she went to help him. When she called home, Owen told her everything was fine. She never knew what was going on," the detective explained.

"And who was the person you found," he asked him.

"Her stepfather, he had blunt force trauma to the head. The medical examiner confirmed it," the detective told him.

Everly and her mom walked up to them. "Thank you," Everly's mom said.

Grandpa nodded.

"I knew something was off, but my father was so sick. I wish I would have come home sooner," she said regretfully.

"You can thank our grandson. He risked his life for her," he told her.

"I will." She turned to Everly, "Ready?"

"Yes," she said as they turned and started walking to the car. Everly stopped and turned. She walked back to Grandpa and hugged him. Then she gave Grandma one too. "Thank you."

"Anytime," Grandma told her.

With that, she turned and walked over to her mom. It was an extended overdue reunion, but Everly had her mom back.

As they pulled away, Grandma's phone went off. She answered it, "Mom? What's wrong?"

She stood there as Grandpa looked at her.

"Oh, god, no," Grandma's voice broke.

Grandpa took the phone from her and spoke to Grandma Natalie. He nodded as she spoke. Then he hung up.

"Colton," her voice broke.

"I know, baby. I know," he said as he pulled her to him. He held her as she cried.

Today one person had a reunion while another had a loss. A loss we all felt deeply.

I got dressed as Dad stood there. He got my attention, and I looked at him, "Ready?"

I nodded. I grabbed my suit coat as I pulled it on. I walked over to Dad as he ushered me out. I saw Mom and hugged her as she held me. She kept me as I hugged her.

We walked down the stairs and put our coats on, then walked out to the car and got inside. I sat in the back and looked out the window. We drove and pulled up to the church.

We got out and saw the others, walking over to them and hugging each other. I walked over to my grandparents and hugged them. Then I saw Grandma Natalie. I hugged her. She rubbed my head as she hugged me.

I have lost no one before. It was so hard. It was hard for everyone because a piece of us lost a big part of our lives, and now we had to say goodbye.

I sat there in silence as people cried while I looked up front. How do you move on from this? No matter what, suffering a loss like this was always hard.

Afterward, we all got up, and we're headed to the cemetery when I saw her. I walked towards her, and she held out her arms. I went straight into them. Then I cried as Everly held me.

Everyone stood and watched as she offered me comfort in my time of need. My body wracked with sobs as she held me.

Tears flowed that day.

Once I got my composure, we walked outside, and someone tapped me. I looked, and the person pointed to the sky. A rainbow appeared.

Tears fell down my cheeks as I realized it was his way of saying hi. It offered comfort to all of us.

After we went to the cemetery and laid him to rest and said our final goodbyes to Grandpa Luke, we went back to my grandparent's house. I looked at everyone. They talked and comforted each other.

I saw Grandma Natalie sitting on the couch as Grandpa handed her a cup. She took it. I walked over to her, and Grandma Natalie smiled at me. She waved me to sit. I sat down, and she wrapped her arms around me.

No matter what, she offered comfort to others. Cade walked over, as did Julian, and she welcomed them. To us, she was our grandmother, nothing more, nothing less.

Our parents, family, and friends all watched as not only did she offer us comfort, but we offered her support.

The rest of the family gathered around her and offered her comfort. It was a moment we all needed.

They say when someone passes away; the heavens open up and cry with rain. They are mourning along with you. Then, when the pain of loss lifts, a rainbow appears. Today, that was Grandpa Luke's way of offering us all comfort.

Now when I see a rainbow, I'll think of him.

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