Finals, graduation, and moving forward

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Finals arrived, and we studied our butts off for it. We all got our acceptance letters for school. All we had to do was get through finals and graduation; then it was onto our futures.

The five of us took our finals, and when the last one finished, I came out of class to see the others. They waved me towards them, and I took off running. Finally, high school was over.

Next came practices. Cole gave me cues, so I knew what to do. Since I was a Valedictorian, he would give my speech while I signed it for him. We went over my address, and I wanted it to be a surprise for everyone. He thought it was perfect.

On the day of graduation, I drove to the ceremony while Mom sat in the front seat while Dad closed his eyes. I swear he makes too much out of things.

We arrived, and I walked up to the others. We dressed in our caps and gowns. My parents, like the other parents, along with Uncle Luke, Aunt Autumn, and my grandparents, watched us. Uncle Reed, Uncle Jaime, Craig, and Kellan arrived along with cousin Luana and her husband.

"I remember that being us," Grandpa said.

"Seems like a lifetime ago," Reed said to him.

"We need to get things started. Excuse us," Wade said as he and Cole walked towards the front. They had us all take our seats.

Wade walked to the podium. "Welcome to graduation. We celebrate these young men and women as they leave us and go towards their future. Please give a round of applaud for our class Valedictorian Lorenzo Antonio Grasso!"

They signaled me to go towards the stage. As I walked up the stairs, people clapped. I reached the podium and handed Uncle Cole the mic. Then I started.

"Thank you, everyone. As most of you know, I was born deaf. For of you that don't know, well, know you do."

People laughed.

"Most people would consider a disability to be a hindrance, but it's not. I had an excellent role model in how you can take a problem and turn it into something amazing. That person is my mom."

Everyone looked at me then at Mom, who sat there smiling.

"My mom is my biggest hero and best friend. She understands me better than anyone and never gave up on me. Along with my dad, she made sure I had a childhood just like everyone else. She never let her autism define her, and I don't let my deafness define me. Just because you differ from anyone doesn't make you incapable. It makes you unique."

My parents smiled as I spoke.

"My grandpa Luke said it best. Out of a rainstorm, comes a rainbow. When life gets hard, that's the rainstorm, but afterward, beauty emerges, that's the rainbow. Be unique, be different, above all else be the rainbow. Thank you."

When we finished, someone stood up and started clapping - Mom. Dad followed along with my family, Everly, and my friends, then everyone else. My champion was the first to stand and applaud. That's why I made my speech about her.

People may think it's weird, but it's not. If you ever met my mom, you would understand how much she went through to get where she is today. Thanks to my dad and family, she could be a mom to me, and I couldn't ask for a better mom.

Then it was time to get our diplomas. After we all collected them and graduated, I ran and jumped on Cade's back.

"Great, I got a monkey on my back," he groaned as everyone laughed. Our parents took pictures of everyone, but the best view was the one of Mom and me even if she kissed me.

What can I say? My mom is unique but unusual.

After graduation, Dad wanted to do something special for us. Mom told him no camping. Instead, we ended up camping in the living room.

"This seems familiar," Adrian smirked as Dad chuckled.


"Yes," he answered as he turned to Mom, and his eyes widened.

"I don't think my marshmallow is to be on fire," she said as he blew out the flames. She looked at it and frowned, "I don't want it."

He sighed as he took it.

"Wade! Did you have to eat all the damn chocolate?" Cole asked him.

"What?" He looked at us as it covered his mouth in chocolate.

"So much for S'mores," Cade said.

"Good thing I brought a cake," Cole said, bringing out a cake. We all laughed.

Dad brought out plates and silverware as Cole cut up slices. He handed everyone a plate with a piece of cake. As we ate, Mom stood up. "Okay, I want to say something."

"Here we go," Dad said.

She looked at dad, "You be quiet." He chuckled. "Anyway, I'm proud of everyone. You did a good job." She sat back down.

"That's it?" Dad asked her.

"Why do I need to make a long speech? They did a good job. Why say more than needs said?" Mom ate her cake. I love Mom because she's incredible.

We spent the rest of the evening enjoying ourselves, knowing this fall we would all be heading off to college. But tonight was about family. After this year, we survived and were closer than ever. For that, I was grateful.

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