Aftermath: it changes lives

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After taking Everly to the hospital and having her checked out, we saw Dad in the waiting room with Enzo. We explained things to him, and he decided that maybe it would be best for her to stay with him and Mom. Just until we could find her mom.

I saw Adrian, Wade, and Cole, but Antonio told me it was late. It had been a long night for everyone. Well, phooey. I wanted to say hi to my friends and brother. I can see them tomorrow.

The next day, everyone stayed home. They probably caught a cold. We were fine, but Antonio said it was best if we rest. I didn't know why? I'm not tired.

Then came a knock at the door. I walked over. "Who is it?"

"Someone important," they answered.

"How do I know you're important?" I asked.

"Because I am," the person said.

"You might be a bad guy. Antonio told me not to open the door, Willy-nilly. Although I don't think there is such a thing," I told them.

Antonio came to the door. "Rain, who's at the door?"

"They said they're important. I don't think the person is important enough," I shrugged. He looked at me and opened the door.

Then I saw the person.

"Luke!" I yelled.

"Hi, Rainbow," he smiled.

I threw my arms around my big brother and hugged him. He didn't hesitate to hug me back.

"I missed you," I told Luke.

"I missed you more," he said. "But good news, we're moving back."

"Awesome!" I exclaimed.

He let go of me and shook Antonio's hand. Enzo came down, and he signed, "Hey, little man. Well, not so little anymore."

Enzo walked over and hugged him.

He came in, "So I heard things have been pretty chaotic."

We all looked at each other as he looked at us.

We filled Luke in on things, although I didn't know about Cade and Julian. I smacked Antonio for not telling me. Luke chuckled. Well, he should have told me.

"Sounds like things are bad," he said.

"They're a mess," I said as they looked at me. "Well, everything is."

"Grandpa used to say out of every storm comes a rainbow. Let's give everyone a rainbow," Luke said to me, and I smiled. I got up and grabbed my coat.

"Come on, slowpoke! We have a rainbow to deliver," I yelled.

"Some things never change," he chuckled as he followed behind me.

We went to see Cole and Luke got to see Cade. Cade was okay. He was a little hurt, but Cade was okay. Luke also talked to Cole and Wade. Cole filled him in on what was going on with Julian.

I hugged Cade, and he told me it was the best hug he ever got. It made him feel so much better. I told him it's because it was me.

We left a little while later and went to Adrian's house. Adrian would not let Luke in, but I told him I wanted to come in. He said because I was with him, we could go in.

"How do you rate?" Luke asked me.

"Because I'm me and everyone likes me," I smiled, making him laugh.

We sat down and talked. Adrian told Luke what was going on, but it confused me. Luke said someone hurt Julian but didn't elaborate. I don't know why?

"Rain, why don't you go see Julian. I think he needs a rainbow more than anyone," Luke suggested.

"Okay." I shrugged and got up. I went up to Julian's room.

"Do you think it will help?" Adrian asked Luke.

He looked at Adrian. "After the storm comes the rainbow."

I knocked on the door. "Julian, it's me, Rainbow. Can I come in?"

I stood there as the door opened and Julian stood there. They hurt him badly.

"You're hurt." I furrowed my brows.

"Yeah," Julian whispered.

"Why?" I asked him.

"Because I trusted the wrong person," Julian replied.

"Why would you do that?" I asked, confused.

"Because they lied to me," he mumbled.

"Well, I think if they do that and hurt someone, then they are a bad person. Good people don't hurt you; they love you. Bad people don't care. Like Ella and Darcy."

"Whose Ella and Darcy?" Julian asked me, confused.

"Two bad people. Lyle shoved me into a dark closet where Ella and Darcy hit and cut me, then cut my clothes and hair. They hit me because I urinated. It scared me. Then a light appeared. Antonio, Wade, and Adrian rescued me. Antonio took care of me and said I was beautiful. I think he's crazy because I looked hideous," I said as a small smile curled upon his lips.

"Julian, you look hideous," I said truthfully, causing him to look at me strangely. "But you won't always look hideous. Your boos-boos will heal, and someone will rescue you as Antonio did with me," I smiled.

"I don't think that's possible," he sighed.

"People didn't think I could ride a bike, cook, get married, or have a child, but I did. It's called faith. My grandpa said sometimes we have to have a rainstorm to see the rainbow afterward. That means out of darkness comes light. He's a smart man," I told him. "I think it means more," I added as he looked at me, "with storms comes the damage, chaos, and destruction. It makes things ugly. But I think something needs to make things beautiful, like rainbows. They give people hope. When a storm hits, it causes damage, but a rainbow tells people that beauty comes afterward. That's how I see it," I said.

He looked at me then hugged me. I hugged him back. "Julian, you needed a rainbow, and here I am."

"You don't know how much I need that rainbow," Julian said as he buried his head into me.

We went downstairs, and Adrian looked at us, as did Luke. Julian walked over to him and said, "Can we talk?"

"I would like that," Adrian told him as they went into the kitchen. Luke and I left. He dropped me off at home. He said he had to see someone but would be back.

It was nice seeing Luke again because I missed him. I was glad he was moving back. It felt like before when he, Cole and I were together growing up.

I walked in, and Antonio looked at me.

"Someone bad hurt Julian. Why?"

"Because sometimes bad people do bad things," he told me.

"Was it Louis?" I asked him.

"Rain, how did you know that? Did someone tell you?" Antonio asked me.

"No, but I don't like Louis because he's mean and says bad things. He said I was stupid. He also would touch Julian, and I told him not to do that," I told him, getting upset.

"Honey, why didn't you say anything?" He asked me.

"He said no one would believe me. But you would believe me, right, Antonio?" I asked him.

"Hun, you're the most honest person I know. I would believe you over anyone," he assured me.

"I don't like Louis. He's mean. He reminds me of Ella and Darcy. He hurt Julian. I don't like Louis," I kept repeating myself. Antonio knew it upset me. I started doing echolalia when something bothered me or made me anxious. It's a repetitive nature.

He did the one thing he knew that would help me when it got wrong. He pulled out My Little Ponies and played with them with me. It reminded me to be happy.

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