Chapter 6

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A/N: Hey fellow watpadders! :) Here's chapter 6! I hope ur enjoy it and erm.... if anyone has like a good cover that you wanna share with me, please send it to me! Please! Thanks to all those who stayed to read cause other really means a lot to know that there are people who still find my story interesting... So, thank you! Very much! And on to the story......


Why! Oh why! Is the famous Burger store Burger so darn good? and why Oh why am I always in the middle of trouble?

The thing is, I'm running aimlessly on the street with a Burger stuffed in my mouth. Today has to be one of the most weirdest and hilarious story that would be recorded in my diary.

It all started out like this. I went to go take a shower at my usual place and seeing that I couldn't go back to the bookstore for a while, I decided to go eat at the famous Burger store cause once you've had a bite, you just can't say no to another and you just have to have another and.... you get what I mean right?

The juice just starts to flow and it makes you drool. No! I can't stop! It's an addiction and I needed to go to that store now! And that's what I did.

I was innocently strolling to the store and when I got my food, I went to take a seat but before I could sit down, some kid decided to run into me, making me drop my Burger and my drink and's so sad! Another kid stepped on it, squashing my beloved like it was an ant and gosh the "blood" meaning the juice, was coming out and I just cried there.On.The.Floor.In front of a large crowd.

That was just the beginning. As I was crying on the floor, Jasper and Cassidy decided to make an appearance. I think They're stalking me!

"Alaina! " shouted Cassidy,"Why on earth are you crying on the floor?"

I looked up at her with teary eyes and whimpered,"My Burger! It's crushed!" and then everyone started laughing at me. Again. Cause I always seem to get laughed at. Wait till they cry over something trivial...I'll be the one laughing at them and I'll torment them every second and they'll die under my hands! Die I tell ya!!!! Nah I'm just kidding.

So, Cassidy being the good girl that she is or tries to be, went to buy me another Burger and I ate it slowly, savoring every bite cause it's just that good!

"You really should not cry over a crushed Burger. "said Cassidy with a smile.

"I can't control it. It just came out." I said with desperation. How can they not understand my feelings?!

"Well... erm...alright? " said Cassidy and then she bumped into these three guys who had like weird tattoos all overt their body and they were huge! Humongous!Gigantic!!

They towered over her and they glared right through her soul,demanding an apology Where she had to kneel on the ground and beg. Stupid, I know right.

Jasper being the overly protective brother that he is, stepped in and tried to be all manly and tough which...Erm... OK fine! Made him look better? Look I don't like him or anything. I'm just saying that he looked like a hero out of The Lord Of The Rings or something.

Anyways, Jasper stepped in and those big guys thought that Jasper wanted to challenge them making one of the big guys,let's Call him snorky? cause he likes to snort, punch Jasper in the face and surprising at it is, Jasper did not fall. He stumbled but he did not fall and he punched the guy back.

Me?I was just enjoying the show cause well let's face it, the Burger comes first.

Another guy with thick brown bushy eyebrows, let's Call him wiggles, decided to join in the fight followed by the other guy known as Ben. How do I know his name? He's the only one using a nametag.

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