chapter 23

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     "So, must we really talk this out?" I asked as I sat down on a bench and stared at the sky that was painted a orange-yellow hue, making everything that it touched glow with pride.

    After the best lunch ever, we walked around the lake till we reached a spot where there was a huge rock in the middle of a field of brightly coloured flowers. The view was spectacular as nothing else was in sight apart from the flowers and the sunset.

   The wind ruffled our hairs as butterflies danced around us and everything just seemed so surreal. "Yes." Answered Jasper.

    I gave him a small smile, knowing that he's not gonna let me change the topic. "You' re really annoying,you know that? But fine, I'll tell you."

       Jasper didn't say anything but he chuckled and nodded his head in acknowledgement. "My aunt," I began, " is sick. Like she has a mental illness. I'd like to think that she has schizophrenia but apparently, the doctors said that when they tested her, she showed no signs of having it. I can't remember what they said about her but just know that she's got Some mental illness."

      "My aunt... She's kind. Well, she was before my parents death which was why she took me in. To be honest, Rachelle was a kind soul too but I guess she got influenced by my aunt's strange behaviour and when the money and documents came flowing into my hands,they kind of lost it. Losing all sanity they had to greed. Money is a filthy thing in my eyes. What I told your...everything was true. Am I really pissed and scared of them? Probably not in the way that you're thinking of. I'm pissed that they changed and I'm pissed that they've been hurting me when I never did anything wrong and I'm scared that they'll never change. I'm scared that I'll change. You know, I used to think that if I felt scared, then everything would be fine but now, I don't even feel the least bit intimidated and to me, that's bad. To me, that means that I'm making them my enemy.  To me,that means that I'm no longer thinking of them as my family."

    "And it hurts, really because they are my family. They're good people. It's just greed and that stupid mental illness. Nothing else. So, to answer your question as to what I'm gonna do... I'll tell you straight out..that I haven't got a clue. All I can say is that time will tell. By the way,you also said that I was pretending to act strong but that is not entirely true. Haven't you heard the quote fake it till you make it. Yeah? That's what I'm doing and I'm feeling awesomely awesomely fine."

   I smiled at Jasper and stood up. I glanced at him and then turning to the sun that was already three quarters down, I shouted "I'm fine Jasper ! Absolutely perfectly fine! So, stick that into that dumb brain of yours!!!" I then grinned in satisfaction and sat down once again.

    Silence lingered in the air that surrounded us for a while before I heard a soft chuckle that erupted into a full on 'slamming the hand on anything' laughter from the one and only Jasper.

   I stared at him in disbelief but he's laugh was too contagious and I  started to laugh too and after we had died of laughing too hard, I questioned him. "Why did you laugh?"

     " what type of question is that? But to answer that question, it's just that you looked so hilarious standing up to shout your point at the sun. It looked like it was the sun's fault or something. You looked cute but hilarious."

      My cheeks turned scarlet red when he mentioned the word 'cute' and he noticed it as he started to tease me, "my my my. Alaina Is turning so red like a tomato. Did the word cute have anything to do with that? I wonder... maybe Alaina thinks I'm cute too?" He gave a cheeky grin and winked at me.

      " Anyone would turn tomato red when someone calls them cute.... and I happen to be in that category of anyone." I stammered.

     " right right. You're too cute for your own comfort." Laughed Jasper.

      "Well, you are too." I said and then, my hands immediately flew to my mouth when I realized what I just said. Maybe Jasper didn't hear it cause he was laughing but that boy has some awesome hearing so it obviously didn't escape his ears.

      Jasper stopped laughing and looked at me with his mouth hanging open. "Really?"

    Oh shit! What do I say? "Erm...  ahahaaha!! Psh! No! I mean yes, like for that moment but other times... no!!ahohohoho!!" I laughed awkwardly. "You do believe me right?"

    "Yeah. I believe you." I sighed in relief but then he added, " especially with that wonderful laughter and skilled stammering.  Obviously, I believe you."

    I glared at him, snorted and then I hopped off the rock and onto the soft grass filled with flowers. "You're a terrible person, you know that."

    "Isn't that something new." Grinned Jasper.

      I bent down and quick as lightning,  I threw a handful of flowers mixed with grass and mud at Jasper, making him sputter out in disgust.

     "What the heck?" Grumbled Jasper. "I'm gonna make you pay by making you practice more. Feel the torture of dancing."

    "Exercising!" I corrected.

     "Whatever." said Jasper, "anyways, it's about time we head back home." 

    I nodded my head and looked at the sky that had turned a dark purple-blue while we were busy talking and laughing.

     "But I need to show you something before I go." said Jasper.  Curious, I turned around only to be met with the same thing that I had thrown at Jasper. I sputtered out all the dirt and with an angry glare, I started to chase Jasper who had a head start and by the time we reached the car, we were covered from head to toe with mud,  grass and flowers stuck all over us. Not to mention the fact, that we were soaking wet because a particular idiot tripped over thin air, pulling her partner along so that they could splash happily in the cold lake. That's right,  that idiot was me.

     And let's just say that we had a lot of questions to answer when we reached home. 


    Hello everyone! How has your day been?

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and Yay!!! Let's all have fun. One more thing MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!❤❤❤ WOOHOOO!!!!!

   AND........ Always Smile and Be Happy!!!! :D


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