Chapter 21

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  You don't drown by falling in the water, you drown by staying there."


     I decided to tell them everything because it was for the best. I didn't want to go back there and I knew that the Hendrix family would support me.

     So, after the hugs and some awesomely delicious chocolate cake, we sat down on tbe couch and everyone just stared at me expectantly.

    "Right. Do your want me to start from the very beginning or when I started to run away from home?"

    "Preferably the beginning but it's up to you." Said Mr.Hendrix.

     "Then ill start from the very beginning. Ill make it as brief as possible." I waited for all of them to nod their heads and then I continued, " I had a really good life. I was filthy rich just like your but my parents didn't believe in letting a child have all that she wanted so i learned to accept it. Tragedy struck when my parents went away because of some business problems in another country. No, they didn't die because of a plane crash but because of an explosion. "

    " It seems that my parents were talking to one of the guy who caused the business to have some problems and that's when he went bonkers, smashing things and whatnot. All of a sudden, the lights offed and darkness covered them. They heard a whipping sort of sound and the next thing they knew, they heard a loud boom and the whole place was engulfed in flames. The firemen tried their best but the fire was too wild, making it difficult to find my parents and they... died... just like that. "

    I sighed but then I started to clench my fist as I continued, " I cried and cried like nobody's business when I found out about what happened. Aunt Melissa or as I like to call her, the Evil Queen, and her daughter Rachelle took me in. I thought they understood me perfectly well because they had lost someone in a tragic way as well but I was wrong. They were nice to me in the beginning but gradually, things started to change. I became their maid, doing everything. They kicked me out of the room that my parents gave me and threw me into the attic where it was cramped up and small."

     "They were just mean, really and at first, I wondered why they suddenly had a change of heart and after a few days, I found out why. They kept asking me if I was old enough to look after money and if I wanted to give them anything and all I said was 'I'm absolutely old enough and independent enough' to which they sourly replied with a 'you're useless' sort of statement. That's when I found out that the only reason why they took me in was because my parents had put everything under my name and because I  refused to give them anything, they got pissed and in a way they wanted to get rid of me but if they got rid of me, they would never be able to gain anything so they let me live but they treated me like dirt."

    "Lucas knew about everything and he was so understanding but the day he found out that I tore the documents and burned it, he changed. He dumped me, saying that I was nothing as we danced to the last song of our class party.  As soon as he said how much of a useless, money leecher, cunning person I was, he left, leaving me with a whole bunch of students staring at me with suspicious eyes. I later found out that the Evil Queen paid him a huge amount of money to break up with me and in the end, he got together with Rachelle."

    I looked at everyone who urged me to go on, "I did something horrible afterwards. I threw an expensive vase on the floor and picked up the larger sharp pieces and I started to throw it at the Evil Queen, at Rachelle and Lucas. They were scared but as soon as I let my guard down, the Evil Queen slapped me and threw me against the wall as she lectured me about how I was being super rude, how I was just like my parents and how I was being so selfish blah blah blah blah. I stared at her but she started to choke me and I saw Lucas get a bit worried together with Rachelle who pleaded with the Evil Queen to stop."

     "That's awful" gasped Mrs.Hendrix. I nodded my head and continued, " In a way, I was grateful to Rachelle for saving my life, though, it may have been because of her selfish reasons. That was the day that I started to fear the Evil Queen as she changed to be far more scarier than before. Her eyes showed pure hatred and I was scared out of my mind. I decided to run away but everytime I did, she would find me. I tried telling the police what happened but the Evil Queen made it seem like I was having some mental problems or that I was just telling a lie which led to the police not caring about what I had to say. I ran away quite a number of times through a secret passageway which I found and that's about it. It's not that depressing right?" I smiled sheepishly.

   "Erm...  I guess not?" Said Cassidy as she looked at her family members unreadable  expressions, "right?"

    "So that's why you're scared of the dark. Basically you're scared that you would die the same way as your parents." Said Jasper intrigued, like as if he found out that our hair can be turned into gold which would be, by the way, be awesome.

   I blinked at him dumbstruck by how, out of everything that I said, he chose to ask about something like... like this! "Yeah. Sort of." I said with a vacant look.

      "Jasper! For crying out loud! Must you Seriously ask that kind of question?!" scolded Mrs.Hendrix.

     "I was just curious. Sides, the past is the past. Obviously, it'll stick out like a sore thumb but we can't change it. So, instead of following the past and instead of trying to erase everything that spoiled your story, why not just look ahead and write your own story starting from the present moment that you're in. Write it in your way and make sure that there's no more unwanted black spots spoiling your life. This is life and that's all that we can do. Cheer up okay?"

   Everyone stared at Jasper like he grew another head as he looked at us with an expression that I've never seen before. It was a mixture of understanding, seriousness and something else unknown. It was strange and judging from his family members expression, this side of him was also new to them.

    "Thanks." I said, still surprised by his sudden short speech.

     "No problem." Smiled Jasper as he got up to stretch, " now then, how about you answer three simple Yes or no question. Do you want  to go back there?"

    "No." I said flatly.

    "Alright. Then, do you want to bring the police into this situation? She did after all try to kill you which can most probably be seen as attempted murder. Not to mention the bribery and verbal abuse and physical abuse."  Said Jasper as he listed the things off of his fingers.

     "No." I said again, " I'll deal with them on my own and it's not like they cut me up with a knife or something. They're just greedy."

    "Okay. Now for the Last question, are we gonna win the dance competition or not?"

     I looked at Jasper and grinned as I realized that I had forgotten about the bad memories of the past, "That's an obvious Yes." I said with a smile!


OMG! I'm so sry! I updated it and I didn't realize that some words we're missing but I Seriously didn't erase anything. Something went wrong and I have no idea what it is. Even when I'm saving stuff, some words would just disappear! Sry!

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