Chapter 16

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        Look at me! I'm doing some really cool dance moves like I can do the baby freeze now and other b-boy moves. Ahhahahahahahaha!!! Whee!!! Ahohohohohohoho!

       "Pay attention Alainey!" Shouted the female instructor, bringing me back to reality that I was not learning hip hop but rather...three unexpected things.

     Jive, boogie woogie and Rumba.

     I.Am.So.Dead. (said in a robotic tone.)

    "My name is Alaina. " I said.

     "Well, if you were paying attention then I wouldn't have gotten your name wrong." Said the instructor.

      "How does that make-" I started but was cut off by Jasper and Cassidy poking my sides.

     "What was that Alainia?" asked the instructor.

      "Nothing. " I muttered.

     The instructor nodded her head and continued as I asked Cassidy and Jasper the reason why they had poked me. Cassidy  shrugged her shoulders and motioned to Jasper who gave a loud sigh before saying, " Just don't make her angry. "

     "What? She got angry on her own." I Whispered back.

     "Yeah but still. Just keep quiet and bear with it." Whispered Jasper.

     "Alaina!" Shouted the instructor. Finally! My name was said correctly. " Since you and Jaspey boy like to chat so much in my class, why don't your partner up and I'll see how well your chemistry is."

     My eyes went to outer space and back as I stared at her and then at Jasper.

     "I don't wanna dance with him!" I groaned.

     "Too bad! Now chop chop! Everyone up up and Let's get started!"

     Jasper stood up first, "may I?" He said with an outstretched arm just as Cassidy started to laugh.

     I mentally groaned and rolled my eyes before grabbing his hand and getting up.

     "The first thing we're going to learn is how to do the Boogie Woogie to give your some fun and it's a great ice breaker if your partner is someone that your don't know very well." Said the instructor as she gestured to her partner to start dancing with her. "What i like to do to make it more fun, is to talk to my partner but we don't do that during competitions. "

     I watched with much agony and pain as I thought about how I was gonna die before we were even halfway through the lesson. It was super scary hard.

    "Now, I'll Teach your the basics of this dance. Follow me and try to catch up. We'll start off slow and then we'll speed up."

      I tried to follow but I had two left feet and I kept falling down. Jasper, on the other hand, was doing pretty well. He messed up on the first few tries but he got the hang of it while I just drowned in sorrow.

      "Don't give up. Its pretty easy once you get the hang of it." Said Jasper.

    I gave him a pout and tried to do it again only to fail miserably...again.

    The  instructor, I suppose, thought that she had had enough, walked towards me and pulled me up, pushed my back in and without warning, she pushed her partner to me and for some lightning struck reason, I managed to start dancing.

    The  instructor then turned to Jasper and said, "You! This is not an individual dance. It requires teamwork. Teamwork! And you are the guy, you need to help her dance beside you like how those tango dancers do it. This dance may not seem that way but a lot of connection must be established. Understand? Good! Now, start again and this time, be a gentleman and help her slowly. No such thing as advice, show her your advice. " and then she walked away with her partner, leaving Jasper and I blinking cluelessly.

     "Alright.  Let's do this right then. I don't wanna listen to another lecture from her again. She's scary and she reminds me of a grumpy old woman who always has a cane beside her, ready to beat the crap out of you." Shuddered Jasper.

     If Cassidy was too nice for her own good, Jasper was too cut- No! I almost said it! No! I can't think that way! .

     "Are you alright? You look pretty flushed." Said Jasper as he reached out to touch my forehead but I swat it away as I awkwardly pretended that there was a fly.

     He stared at me for a little while before giving me a sparkly smile and assuming his position once more, he grabbed my hand and this time, we danced well.

      By the end of the lesson, everyone was sweating heaps and I was lying on the floor panting like an old tired dog.  All I wanted to do was sleep but that was impossible, what with the instructor clapping loudly for our great effort and for learning so enthusiastically.

     "You alright?" Asked Jasper with a chuckle.

     "Do I look alright to you?" I huffed.

    " Yup. You look mighty fine. I love your natural red face and your messy hair. May I ask if you brought along any chicken to eat?" Teased Jasper.

    " oh har har! That was soooo hilarious! "

   "It was, wasn't it?" And then he was on the floor full on laughing.

    I cringed at his weirdness and rolled away till I was right beside Cassidy who by the way, was flirting with her partner.

    "CASSIDY~" I moaned, " Jasper is so weird and I am so weird."

      "Thats good right? Cause that just means that your are perfect for each other like ice cream on a hot Sunday afternoon." Giggled Cassidy.

     My face contorted into a weird shape and I rolled towards the mirror and just stared at it.

    "Staring at my reflection in the mirror~" I sang, "why am I doing this to myself?" I thought about my sprained butt and the painful memories of the lesson, "losing myself on a tiny error" Oh, it hurt so badly when I tripped over nothing and then I started singing really loudly and out of tune, "no no no! Don't lose who you are~ in the blur of the start~"

     "What are you doing?" Commented Jasper as he looked down at me with an amused smile plastered upon that sweaty face.

       "Why did you disturb me." I whined. " I wanna sleep! Jasper, carry me now!"

     "No way! You're smelly and sweaty and heavy."

     I was okay with smelly and sweaty but how dare he call me heavy! Every girl is as light as a feather cause we are a beautiful species of the human race. We are like paper drifting through the wind. So light and gentle to touch but if you do something stupid,ZIP!  You get a cut!

     " I am not heavy!" I argued back, "I'm beautifully light. You are my servant, you pheasant! Now, carry me!"

     He started to laugh again as he got down to a squatting position, " Get on. I'll carry you." 

     I grinned to myself and slowly got up. I grabbed his shoulders first and then pushed myself to stand up.

     "Hang on tight." He said softly before lifting me off the ground with ease, holding my legs immediately to prevent me from falling. " You're right. You're not heavy, You're extremely heavy."

     "Hey!" I shouted, "take that back!"

      "Stop hitting me!" Laughed Jasper, "I'm just kidding. You're as light as a rock leaving my hands."

      I had no idea what that just meant but I hoped that it was a good thing. His back reminded me of a comfortable pillar I once clung on to when I was young. I didn't even wanna let it go. Ah~ I could just fall asleep right now and I guess I did because the next thing I knew was that I was in one of the guest rooms at the Hendrix house with two pair of gold eyes staring at me from the top of the cupboard.

     We had a staring competition until it blinked and I started to scream.





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