Chapter 22

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      My whole body was sore again and it sucked. Like crazy. 

    I was practicing with Jasper again and boy was he good. I mean he was good before but now he was even better. He was like gliding across the floor and he was doing everything perfectly. He's so weird!

   "I think I'm supposed to be a dancer." Said Jasper as he did his solo part.


   "Yeah. You go and do that and i'll just sit on the floor." I said as I dropped to the ground with beads of sweat rolling down my whole entire face.

     "Aww come on! It's only been like what? Ten minutes? Five minutes?"

     "No, Jasper. It's been half an hour, you Dumbo!"  I said with an eye roll, "and why are you so happy today?"

      "No idea but since someone is so tired, let's go grab a bite. It'll  be my treat." He took his keys and nodded towards the door.

      "Can't we bathe first? I don't like being all sweaty when I'm about to eat. "


    "Nope. We're gonna go out for a bite and then we're gonna come back and practice and once we're done, you can go bathe but not now." said Jasper with a smirk.

    I glared at him and I wanted so much to retaliate but my tummy was pleading with me to go with him so I just huffed my anger out and agreed through gritted teeth.

    We reached a small quiet cafe that had the feel of a vintage log house. It was surrounded by a lake with swans floating gracefully across the water. Tons of trees shielded the cafe from cars that passed by on the highway. It was beautiful and unique to say the least.

    " Welcome to Sandsweet!" Said one of the waiter as she ushered us in. "Table for two am I  right?" We nodded our head as she lead us to table by a window that overlooked the lake. She passed us the menu, told us her name and the specials for the day and then she left once we had ordered our food.

    "How did you find this place?" I asked as we waited for our food to come.

     "Easy. I got lost. I literally got lost with Cassidy when we were driving to one of our friends house and that's when we found this place. The stuff helped us out and I've been coming here ever since. Most of them know me but I guess that girl's a newcomer."  explained Jasper as he looked around.

     "Hmmmm... Oh! The foods here!" I grinned happily as I saw what was going to be in my tummy. Grilled chicken with baked  rice topped with cheese and for Jasper Macaroni with melted cheese and a bagel. As for drinks, mine was a double chocolate shake with whip cream and for Jasper, Strawberry shake with whip cream.

    "I just don't understand why you want to exercise again when our Tummy's gonna be so happy now." I said as I licked my lips.

    "It's dancing, not exercising. Two different things." Said Jasper with a frown.

    "If I have to prance around the room or move in ways other than sitting or lying down, it is considered as exercise. To me at least. " I grabbed a bite of the grilled chicken and drooled.  It was cooked to perfection and I think that this grilled chicken and I were meant to be.

    "Stop that. You look like you have constipation." Said Jasper with a grossed out face.

    "You said that the Last time as well, when you hated me." I said with a chuckle.

     "Hey now, i never hated you. Maybe, i was  a little rough at the beginning because well... i was shy and i wasn't sure if i made the right choice."

    "Right choice?" I said with my mouth full.

   "Please dont talk with your mouth full. The right choice... i guess you could say... never mind... i'll tell you another time but as for now, what are you gonna do about your Aunt and that Rachelle girl?"

    I sighed and threw my fork down as it clinked loudly against the plate, "you just ruined my appetite, you know?"

    "I know I didn't." Smiled Jasper, " and this is something that I believe has been rolling around your mind for a really long time. So, it's high time you stop acting like a strong kid and let us help you."

   "That is so not true! I trust your and I want your to help me ,even though there isn't much to help, but that's the whole reason I told your my story." I said an octave higher.

   "Do you really expect me to believe that you told us everything? That you actually let all of your emotions go?" said Jasper incredulously.


   "Well, sorry sweetpea  but I'm not those kind of people who would let you get away just like that." 

    "Why are you being so talkative?" I asked in a bid to change the topic.

     " I've always been talkative but Cassidy was talking to you most of the time so I kept my mouth shut and don't try to change the topic." He said sternly.

    "If I don't want to talk about it, can't you just let it be?" I pleaded unknowingly.

     "Sure, I can let you be but don't you think it's been far too long?" asked Jasper as he took another bite of his macaroni and cheese.

    "It's not long and it will never be long. I'm perfectly fine! Thank you very much!" I said with a forced smile.

    "Course you are. I can see your obvious fake smile and I know girl' language. Whenever there are problems and you say that you are fine, it usually means that you're not. Stop trying to hide behind a fake facade,  Alaina."  He then grabbed my hand and looked at me in the eyes and said in a soft whisper, "Please!"

    I stared at him for the longest time ever and realizing that my hand was still in his, I pulled my hand back roughly and said quietly, " I'll tell you later but you'll have to tell me your problems too. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth." I took a big bite of baked rice with cheese and glared at him, " this food is too good for this kind of talk."

  He gave a small smile and continued to eat his food as we talked about other stuff like for example, the fact that dancing is also an exercise.


Hey guys! What do your think about this chapter? I'm sorry if the ending of this chapter was a little rushed but Anyways, sorry for this super late update. It's just that I had camp and I kept going out cause my Aunties wanted to bring my family out and I needed to clean the house cause Christmas is coming! Yay!

   So, I'm sry in advance if my updates get slower because I'm gonna be super busy the next few weeks but I'll try my best to update as fast as possible.

And... what's your favorite sport?

Mine is floorball, volleyball, surfing and hmmm...I should think that's about it.

         Always smile amd be happy! :)



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