Chapter 18

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     I don't understand. I just can't understand why my heart feels like it's a race car speeding down a road with many obstacles. It's like a whirlwind of different things jumbled up together.

I don't understand.I just can't understand.

   "Are you alright? " said he whose voice was as calming as the ocean. Wait  what?!

     "I'm -I'm f-fine." I stuttered almost incoherently.

     "You don't look fine to me. " and then he tilted his head to look at me. I couldn't stop the red summer's heat creeping up my neck and cheeks, so I looked at the floor. "Why are you looking at the floor?"  

    "It's fascinating....the way it's so soft and squishy" I mumbled as I took a big gulp.

   "Fascinating?" He breathed out, " Seriously though, are you sure you're alright? Do you want to go to the doctor?"

    "No! I'm perfectly fine." I managed to say, "actually, erm...  I'm kind of having a headache so I'll just... go home." I said as I walked backwards only to trip on the Carpet and hit my head against the door frame.

     "Woah!!!! Are you alright? " said Jasper as he ran towards me to check my, I believe, swelling big head bruise.

     "I'm perfectly fine. Well, haha this is awkward. The only thing we've said so far is 'are you Alright?' And 'I'm fine' This is so funny-" I was falling apart. I just couldn't stop this speeding car that was about to crash into me. His eyes, were so beautiful and I had no idea why, "" I gulped, "I'm just gonna go back home. I think er... my headache is getting worse and I think I'm having chest pains as Well. Bye!" I said quickly and then I was out of that door, running straight back to my little tent a.k.a thinking tent.

     I sprinted down the road, shaking my head fruiously in a bid to get rid of this strange thing evading my heart. People stared at me like I was crazy but I didn't care because maybe crazy was the right word. Maybe I was crazy.

    I zipped open my little tent and jumped without zipping it back up.

    Think. Oh my gosh! Just Think!!!

    It was, however, to no avail. Nothing came to mind and all I could do was just sit there lifelessly, waiting for an answer that could calm my trembling heart and hands.

      There was a rapping sort of sound or scratching sound if you will, outside my tent and then I heard Cassidy's voice, " Hey, could you open up? I bought something new and according to your Friend, Erm, Amber, it's  super delicious."

        "Where's Jasper?" I asked

         "Jasper? I think he's still at home. Why?" asked  Cassidy with a suspicious yet playful smile.

        "No particular reason." I said quickly. 

          "Okay. So, care to tell me what's on your troubled mind?"



      We sat in the silence eating a scrumptious meal of assorted goodies like pastries and such when I started to choke on a strawberry filled doughnut.


     "Do you like Jasper?" Asked Cassidy.

    I gave her a death glare for wanting to kill me with such an absurd question. I mean, seriously, would I really like Jasper? Of all the people in the world out there, him?! That's trash talk I tell ya. Never liked him since the beginning, never will.

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