chapter 25

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     Life was just weird. I keep staring at Jasper whenever he was around and to be honest, I felt like a creep.

   Whenever he was looking somewhere else, I was staring at him. It was like my head decided that "Hey, I'm not gonna listen to you anymore, I'm just gonna turn whenever I feel that Jasper isn't looking and when he does, I'll turn away" and So it was, that my head was like a seesaw but instead of going up and down, I went side to side.

     " So, how has your day been?" asked Cassidy as she sat on the countertop in the kitchen.

     "I think I have a neck cramp." I said as I tried to crack my neck  to relieve the stiffness.

     "How come?" Asked Cassidy with a teasing smile, "too busy staring at my bro?"

    "What? No!" I shouted causing Jasper  to be momentarily distracted from the television to look at me.

   "Continue watching your show Jasper. We're having a conversation that is none of your concern." Said Cassidy.

    Jasper shrugged his shoulders and continued to watch the television. "I was not staring at your bro." I whispered To Cassidy with a death glare.

     "Alaina... I seriously don't mind you liking my brother. I've been shipping your since who knows when and didn't you already admit to me that you like- "

   "I said think" I looked at Cassidy and noting the fact hat she didn't seem to understand what I just said,  I continued, "I didn't exactly say that I liked him or loved him for that matter. All I said was that I think that I like him. Think!!! It wasn't a clear definition of anything"

    "So you say but gurl~ I'm telling you that you like him." Said Cassidy with that I'm-not-gonna-take-that-crap kind of attitude but then she sighed in a defeated manner, "but if you say So, then I'll believe you unwillingly. Just a warning though, don't wait too long. Don't regret your choice in the end as well."

      "I won't but right now, I really have no clue what I'm feeling. Maybe I do like him but sometimes I feel that it's because he called me cute."

      I looked down, suddenly finding the hem of my shirt to be intriguingly interesting when I felt a hand press against my back.  "Chill. Liking someone is not an exam question. You don't have to get it right. Just relax and don't think too much. Let your heart do the thinking." She smiled at me and raised an  eyebrow in confusion "but I do have a question...You've fallen in love before. You've had a boyfriend so why are you So confused about everything? If you were a first timer, I would've understood your insecurities and what not but your not a first timer So why?"

    I frowned in confusion as well and then I looked at her while I found another interesting object to play with,   "I guess  it's because I never loved Lucas and he never loved me too. We got into a relationship because we both felt a spark when we first met and instead of waiting to see if that spark was real, we dived into the water and we drowned."

     Silence lingered for quite a while before a  voice that made my heart and stomach flutter, lightly feathered my ear "Deep man. Way told deep."

    In my flustered state, I threw the new object that I was playing with, which was my cup of water, and then I  pushed Jasper  way too hard, making him fall onto the floor with a loud thud while I backed away not realizing that there was a puddle of water awaiting my entrance.

    I slipped on the water and fell on me bum bum before knocking  my head against the cabinet behind me. Surprisingly, I didn't faint or anything. I guess, my head was like concrete.

    "Are you okay?" asked Jasper as he got up to sit beside me.

     " Yeah I'm fine." I said as I rubbed the back of my head, "sorry for pushing you so hard."

     "It's alright. I didn't hit my head or anything but you did. So, are you seriously fine."

    "Yes. I'm fine." I said, hopefully, convincingly."

    "Do you need help getting up?" asked Jasper as he got up, offering his hand at the same time.

    "No, I can get up on my own."

    " Good. We don't want to have you injured for the showcase tomorrow now do we?" Said Jasper with a smirk. Gosh, how I hate that smirk.

    I gawked and said angrily, "gee, Thanks for being such a gentleman! Didn't know that my well-being was only for the sake of getting good grades."

    "I do care for your well-being Alaina and don't call it getting good grades, call it the 'The perfection of Basics Competition' or something like that.

   I rolled my eyes and walked away to get a cloth to wipe the floor dry. I then felt a hand bump into mine and I looked up  to see who it was.

     " It's my fault that you dropped the cup So I'll clean the floor. Lucky the cup was plastic or you would've been injured." Said Jasper with a smile.

     " Its a small puddle. I can handle it." I said, not wanting him to see that his smile was making me melt. Now, that I think about it, melt seems creepy... Okay, his smile was making me go weak.

      " Alaina. Just go and wash the cup and let me clean this mess." Said Jasper with a commanding tone.

    Seeing that he wasn't going to budge, I did what he asked me to do and once I was done, I went to sit at where I was sitting before the incident happened and I just stared as he put the cloth to wash.

    "You should stop staring or he's gonna find out." Whispered  Cassidy. 

     I jumped back in my sit, almost making myself fall off the chair. "Gosh. What's with the both of your appearing out of no Where and scaring me like that."

   "What are you talking about? I was here the whole while. You were just too busy thinking about Jasper."

    " i-i wasn't thinking about him. " I said with my eyes wide open, " I wasn't even thinking."

    " of course. Anyways, aren't you excited for the showcase?"

    "No.No, I'm not." I said in a bored tone.

     "Well, have fun. I mean, from what I know of your choreography, there's a lot of staring into each others eyes. Am I right? "

    " yeah but it's an upbeat dance So it's not like as if eye contact means anything at all."

    "On the contrary my dear, eye contact means looking into your soul and your heart. Remember, don't wait too long . " said Cassidy.

    "Why do you sound like an evil mastermind or something like that?"

    "I'm not. I'm just waiting to see if your denial is the truth or a lie. Anyways, all the best and I hope that your win especially after the evil coach made you practice so much."

    I laughed at her comment and wished her the best as I thought about what she meant when she said that the eyes meant looking into the heart and soul and how did that connect with not waiting too long. 

    I, after all, do not really like Jasper, right?


   Hello! I hope that your have enjoyed this chapter!  My mind for this story is racing too much into the future chapters but I just can't wait for what's gonna happen.  Be patient fellow wattpaders! And Thanks for reading!


AND... remember to always smile and be happy!  :)





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