Chapter 10

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        My feet hurts.

      I seriously thought that Jasper was just kidding and that he'll come back for me but after waiting for like a million years, he didn't show up and now I'm just doing something adventurous. It's really fun! It seriously is. Just try walking home from somewhere that you never even knew existed. I assure you, you will feel happy cause I'm so damn happy right now.

    "Arghhhhh!!! Where the heck am I?!!!" I shouted. This day just couldn't get any worse could it. Now, you would expect the rain to start pouring but no~ instead, I tripped over a rock and fell face first into a pool of mud or maybe it was a stray dog's poop. Never mind, let's not think about that.

       I walked aimlessly down a slope that I believe was the way Jasper went by. How can there be seriously No one here? Oh right cause it's like eleven in the night. Tsk.

     "I hate Jasper! I hate rich people! I hate Jasper so very much! Oh He's a jerk, oh He's an a**. Oh He's so annoying and my feet hurts so bad!!!!" I sang loudly.

    I stumbled down the slope and my eyes twinkled with Joy when I saw a bench not too far away. What's even better was the fact that  it had a streetlight directly above it.

     I. Am. Saved!

   "Ah! Finally!" I said as I laid down on the bench. If I have to sleep here, so be it. I'm dead tired and I've been sleeping in a tent so this was nothing.

   I looked at the stars that shone in the dark night. They glittered with such joy that it made me envious that They were having fun while I was having a hard time.

    The moon may be the brightest in the night but the stars don't seem to mind. They accompany each other without any complaints. If only humans were like that too.

    I closed my eyes and covered them with my hands as I gave a loud sigh.

    I looked at the sky through the holes in my fingers once more before giving in to sleep and as I closed my eyes, I felt a fabric cover my bare arms and legs but I was too tired to open my eyes as I drifted off into Lala land.


   I woke to the sun blinding me with it's magical power of light and the burning sensation to scratch my left leg.

    As my eyes got used to the bright light, I noticed a woman with ragged clothes staring at me with a gentle look.

    "Hello miss! I'm Kayla. Are you alright?"

     "Erm, hi! I'm alright but my left leg itches a lot and do you know where's this place?" I asked as I looked around just as the events from last night came toppling into my mind.

     " Why don't you tell me Where you come from cause this place, though it may seem like an outsider kind of place, is really the same as any city or town."

    "Oh, I'm from Lexertown. " I said with high hopes.

    "Lexertown? Oh! It's just round that corner. it's the nearest town to this place and you said that your leg itches right?" I nodded my head and she gave me a reassuring smile, "Well, everything's gonna be alright. I helped you apply some medicine while you were asleep and I wiped your face clean too. You slept like a log. My husband's gone to take the truck. We'll drive you back to Where you came from."

     "Thank you!" I said with a hint of shock. This people were so nice. " How can I repay you?"

     "By going to a doctor and getting that leg checked up for any rabies and by always being happy. Nowadays, kids your age don't seem to be happy No more and it makes me feel sad. So, repay me by being happy and spread the love while You're at it cause someone out there may need it even more than you do. " said Kayla just as a truck pulled up, "Ah! My husband's here. Come on, let's get you in the truck and then we can drive you back home. Your Mama and papa must be  worried sick bout you. "

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