chapter 24

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     "So, I was thinking...are you popular with girls?" i asked without looking at Jasper. 

    It was a hot saturday afternoon and i was chilling with Jasper and Cassidy at their house. The showcase for our dance instructor was only a few days away and since, we practiced almost every week thanks to someone whose name started with the letter J, we decided to just let loose and be comfortable.

   "That was... random." replied Jasper, "Why do you ask?"

   "i'm just curious. You seem like those kind of guys who always have girls following their back." i said, hoping that he would just brush it off as just a weird random question because the truth was that ever since that day when he called me cute, i couldnt get him out of my mind which was horrible!!!

     To be completely honest,  I've been having heart fluttering moments and it just annoys me... to the core but here I am asking Jasper if he was popular with girls with a voice that clearly said that it was not a casual question but rather one of interest and not just any kind of interest. In fact, it was The special kind of interest that falls in the category of having an interest in someone while getting jealous.

    "Do I?" questioned Jasper.

    "Yeah..." I replied meekly.

   "To be honest, no." he gave a small grin, shrugged his shoulders and continued  " I'm considered not worth the catch in my school. I hate it there. They're way too picky and stereotypical. We're all different and that's good. We're not freaking clones and I wish that that would just get stuck in their brain."

     "Or... it could be because you just want more girls to notice you." Smirked Cassidy as she plopped down on the sofa next to Jasper.

     I smiled at her but for some reason, I felt anxious as I waited for Jasper to reply to her teasing comment.

     "Maybe... but I highly doubt so. You should know me best darling sister. What and who I like." said Jasper.

    I sighed in relief when he didn't say yes but it was still unnerving as he asked me the next question, "Alaina,  could you give me Amber's number. I really want to talk to her."

    My breath got caught and my heart palpitated at an alarming speed and i just felt horrible. I stared at him for a moment before shaking my head from side to side violently. Once I could breathe again, I opened my mouth and stuttered out the words like it was rock grazing against my tongue as I let out a fake smile. "Yeah. Why? Do you have a thing for her?"

    I have no idea why I asked that question but it just slipped out. My brain was failing me again. It was screwing with me and making it seem like I was mental....  which I most probably am... hopefully not.

    "Maybe. " said Jasper in a singsong voice and just like that, I snapped but not in the way that you think.

      "Oh...  haha" I laughed awkwardly, " all the best.  You know she's a wonderful girl and all so don't break her heart cause you know girls hearts are to be treated with care cause we are hidden treasures. Ahooohohohoho! Rest assured, i wont stop you. Just be nice and kind. Ahahaahaha!!"

     "Are you okay?" asked Jasper but i didn't answer him as i continued to babble on.

    "I mean I can totally understand why you would have a thing for her since she's super nice, girly, hardworking and especially since she gave you a kiss on the cheek. Wait, was that the time that you fell for her?"

    "What? No. Alaina, are you okay?"

    "Oh so when did you fall for her? Wait, no don't tell me. I wanna guess.  This is quite exciting ... yes yes it is very exciting ." I started to giggle like a mad person and then there was a loud slap as a hand met my right cheek.

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