Chapter 26

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       The showcase day or as my instructor liked to call it "the perfection of basics competition" was happening at the very moment and boy was I freaking out.

      "Alaina. Stop fidgeting. It's cramped up as it is already and you're making it worse."  grumbled Jasper under his breath.

     " Gee Alaina.  Are you Alright? You don't have to feel nervous. This is not even a pro competition.  Just chill. Take a deep breath and calm down. " I said  in mock sarcasm as i  glared at Jasper.

    "If you glare even more, your eyes might just fall out." Said Jasper with a smirk, "or are you glaring because you feel the need to stare at me."

    I blushed a little but quickly recovered myself as I huffed out in anger, " I prefer the quiet you." I then turned back to face the front but not before I saw Jasper, out of the corner of my eye, glancing at me a little longer than needed and then smiling to himself, he turned to face the front as well.

     "The next couple to dance will be Cassidy and Mark." announced the instructor.

     I sighed in relief as Cassidy and Mark got into position. The music started and I was amazed by how well they were dancing. Damn, they looked like they were born to dance.

    This may sound fake but they looked like they were glowing...they looked spectacular dancing together even though this was not a pro competition. They just looked like they were enjoying themselves without a care for the world. Like the only people in this room was them. For a fast upbeat kind of dance, they made it look like a fun, beautiful and maningful dance.

     By the time they finished, they were sweating quite a fair bit and the room was loud with claps of cheer.

     The next couple to dance was, unfortunately, Jasper and I. My hands started to turn clammy and I started to panic.

    It was then that I felt a hand grab mine and I stared at Jasper as he whispered quietly in a soothing manner, "Relax. Just you and I alone in this room. Like we practiced. Have fun and let's do this."

    I nodded my head but I still didn't feel any less nervous. Maybe a little bit but not a whole lot. 

    The music begun and we started to dance. I was a little stiff at first but I started to relax as we started hopping about and doing moves that we learned but just as we were about to do the final part of our choreograph, which was for me to turn and turn till I fell into Jasper's arms, my legs decided to not listen to my brain and I crashed down, landing on a not so soft ground.

    I stared at the crowd and then I stared at Jasper. The music was about to end and I knew I couldn't let it end like this so I got up and ran to Jasper, or rather jumped at Jasper who thankfully had fast reflexes.

    He caught me and just like how we practiced, he knelt down on one knee and propping up his other knee like a miny stool, I sat on it  and did those fancy jazz hands.

     The song ended and then there was silence, followed by a pair of hands clapping and then another till the whole class started to clap.

    The instructor clapped too but she was not exactly impressed as she stood up to announce the next pair.

   We got back to our seats and waited till the whole showcase was over Where the instructor called Cassidy, mark, Jasper and I to a private corner far away from prying ears.

    "Cassidy and Mark, your both have done absolutely well and I would like your to participate in a real competition. This competition will be held about five months from now and that will be ample time to brush up your skills. I believe that your both have the potential and I would like to see your go further than this basics competition. Tell me if your are willing to join by next week and If there isn't any questions, your may leave. "

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