Author note

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Hi so this is my first fanfic.
I hope it's not to bad.
Warning I am a very dirty minded human being. (; you have been warned
Please leave comments and suggestions of what you'd like to see happen in this fan fic, I am completely open to any suggestions and also please vote thanks
Now enjoy....

By the way this is completely made up, this fan fic is in no way meant to offend the beautiful
Kim namjoon
Kim seokjin
Min yoongi
Jung hoseok
Park Jimin
Kim Taehyung
Jeon Jungkook

Sorry I couldn't help myself but in all seriousness please don't take offence to anything I write. Thank you xox
I would also like to thank MCmcphersonxox for pushing me to write my own fan fic. Go read hers. Well after you've read mine that is. ^_^

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