Goodbye until next time

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I couldn't believe what had just happened. My heart was still racing. The first thought that came to my mind was i had to tell Y/N. I'm sure she'd be happy for me. Maybe the whole long distance thing would work with jimin and i. I watched as BTS started to preform on stage, they where doing 'fake love' it was one of my favourites. As they where preforming i looked around for Y/N. Finally when i had spotted her i walked over.
"You'll never guess what happened!" I exclaimed excitedly, before she could say anything i carried on,
"Well me and jimin, we kinda had a moment..."
"What kind of moment?" Y/N asked curiously
"A romantic one" i smiled
"Oh uh wow that's great, but uh how's it gonna work? I mean there are thousands of miles between both of you. As well as that you literally just met, you don't know anything about him."
"Damn... i thought you of all people would be happy for me... anyways i know him enough to know i like him and he seems to like me." I retaliated. Y/N sighed and then nodded
"I'm sorry, I'm rue you two will be great together.

My head was full of doubt. I didn't think Kenya and jimin would work, they had just met for gods sake! I had to talk to jimin as soon as possible. That was the first thing i was gonna do as soon as they finished their show. As if on cue i looked over to see all the guys walking of stage. They looked completely worn out. They where hot and sweaty, quite gross to be honest.
"This was your first live BTS concert right Y/N and Kenya?" Said V walking over to the 2 of us,
"Yeah what did you guys think, did i look as handsome as usual?" Jin said whilst chuckling to himself. We both nodded our heads in agreement. I could see out of the corner of my eye Kenya was smiling at jimin, he was smiling back but he didn't look happy, this smile looked forced and fake. I had to talk to him but I didn't want Kenya getting suspicious, i would wait.

After we had all eaten dinner together we got back into the limo and dropped Kenya off.
"It was great seeing you again" i cried as i hugged her tightly not wanting to let go
"You too but hopefully I'll be making a few more trips to South Korea to meet up with jimin if things go well." I wasn't sure what to say to this so i just nodded.
"Bye!" I waved to her as i walked over to the limo "I'll miss you"
I got into the limo.
We drove away.
She was gone.
Until next time.

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