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2 weeks had passed since j hope and i had gotten back together, it felt like i was living a real life fairytale, everything was just so perfect.


I woke up feeling an excruciating pain in my stomach, feeling like i was going to be sick i ran to the bathroom and sure enough i was. I had made it just in time, i knelt over the toilet and threw up. It was disgusting. I dragged myself tiredly back to bed and lay down, i fell asleep almost instantly.
"Y/N wakey wakey!" Came my moms usually cheery voice. "Hey are you alright? You don't look to well," she put her hand to my forehead "you've got a fever,"
"Oh yeah" i said quietly "i meant to tell you, i threw up last night, in the toilet, i don't think i can go to school today mom." Although life was like a fairytale with j hope, school was another story all together. I hated it. I was falling behind in almost all my classes with the exception of English speaking.
"Of course dearie, grandma and i have to go to work but grandpa will be home so if you need anything don't hesitate to ask." I nodded and pulled my duvet covers all the way up to my neck. I was trying to look on the bright side, at least this meant no school.


A week had passed and the nausea and vomiting continued.
"I think you should go and see a doctor Y/N" said my mom as I vomited for the 3rd time that day. I always despised the doctor but i knew she was right so i nodded.

About 20 minuets later we had arrived at the doctors. I looked around at the blank white walls. My mom and i sat in the waiting room in silence. I. Was bored out of my mind i slowly flipped through a magazine sitting on one of the coffee tables when finally
"Miss Y/L/N the doctor will see you now" came a nurse gesturing for me to follow her, my mom nodded. I followed the nurse into a white room that stank of chemicals.
"So you're mother told us you've been struggling with nausea and some vomiting?" Said the doctor
"Yes" I replied
"Okay so we're just gonna run a few tests, it's nothing to worry about, just wait here." I watched as he walked out. I always hated waiting, i was a very impatient person i always had been, ever since i was little. I stared at the clock, willing for the time to speed up when suddenly out of nowhere the doctor walked back into the room.
"Miss Y/L/N could there be a chance you're pregnant?" he asked, i laughed
"No way"
"Do you take birth control?"
"Have you ver missed a pill?" I suddenly got worried, I might've missed 1 or 2.
"Um... maybe...."
"When was your last period?" Now that someone had mentioned it, I couldn't actually remember when i had my last period. I think the doctor saw the worried look on my face.
"Here use this pregnancy test, if it turns out you are pregnant then come and see me again" he smiled at me "have a nice day." I was in shock, I couldn't be pregnant could i? I was only 17 I didn't want to be a teen mom, but suddenly a scary thought came to mind,
"What if it's not j hope's?" I said to myself "it could be Jimin's..." i swallowed hard. I took deep breaths trying to calm myself down, i kept telling myself i had nothing to worry about, not yet anyway...

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