He loves me?

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I had so much fun in england but it was almost a relief to be ack in Korea. This was my home now. I belonged here with J Hope and all my other friends, sure i would miss Kenya but after the whole jimin situation i felt kinda hurt and betrayed by both of them.

I had to tell Y/N about me breaking up with Kenya, maybe telling her would make me feel slightly less guilty about doing what i did.

After school i caught her just as she was about to leave.
"Hey, can we talk?" I said
"Yup" she said already sounding annoyed.
"Well i uh.... you know what happened with me and Kenya?"
"Well i broke up with her, it just didn't feel right because...." i paused thinking about what i was going to say "because I'm... I'm still in love with you." I waited for a response. Nothing. I looked at her beautiful face, stupidly i threw myself forward crashing my lips sloppily into hers, she didn't push away. She let me kiss her. She kissed me back! It felt like the kiss had lasted forever, I couldn't believe what was happening. When we stopped Y/N just stared at me.
"I love you," i said quietly so no one around us could hear. She stared up at me and suddenly turned around and walked away.
"Y/N wait! Don't go," she just carried on walking,
I watched her.
I wanted her.
I would have her.

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