When i saw him again 2.0

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It wasn't right, we just weren't meant for each other. After our date last night i just knew we weren't meant to be. Even though jimin and I weren't right it didn't mean that j hope and i where. He broke up with me, so why did i feel so guilty? I had to get j hope out of my mind but no matter how hard i tried he would just stay there lodged in the back of my head. I was still in love with him. I shouldn't have been but i was. I really wanted him back.
i looked at my phone, it was jimin, i had to break up with him, I couldn't keep seeing him if i knew i had feelings for j hope.
"Hi Y/N i had a great time last night"
"Yeah uh.... jimin i have something to tell you..."
"Yeah me too!" He interrupted sounding excited "i just won tickets to a really fancy restaurant for 2 and since we didn't get to go yesterday i thought Maybe we could go, i wanted to give you plenty of notice, 3 weeks from now?" Before i could say anything he smiled and ended the call, immediately after he texted me
"I'll pick u up at 6 is that all right?" I didn't have the heart to break up with him over text, I'd just have to tell him at dinner in 3 weeks.
"Sure sounds good" I replied. I threw my phone down onto my bed and sighed heavily. I needed to clear my head, i decided to take a walk in the park.

I loved the park in the neighbourhood it was so pretty. I sat in my favourite spot, directly under a beautiful pink cherry blossom tree. I heard a quiet humming sound coming from the other side of the tree, it was beautiful. I then heard rapping. It sounded familiar. I stood up and waked around to the other side. J hope!? It was him, he had his headphones on and was singing and rapping to himself. I could've watched him all day, he was so perfect. I got lost in thought daydreaming about j hope.

It was so peaceful i loved this part of the park, my headphones, my music and my favourite tree. Only one thing was missing. I went there to get Y/N out of my mind but being there only made me think about her more. I wanted to take her to this part of the park, i wanted to sit under the cherry tree and talk. It would've been so romantic. I looked up to the sky only to notice a shadow looming over me. I looked to the side of me to see Y/N standing there...

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