Onwards to Korea!

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When I got home my mom looked so irritated, her eyes where fixed on me as I walked through the door.
"And where have you been young lady?!" She questioned her eyes not leaving mine
"I wanted to take the scenic route you know because I'm never gonna see this place again, or have you forgotten you're taking me away to Korea." I said bluntly
"Now listen here young lady this is exactly...." she paused *sigh* "I mean, I know this is going to be a big change but we both love dad and we're doing this for him," she said in a sickeningly sweet voice.
"Thank you, now hurry up and get your suitcases,  the taxi is waiting outback." I stomped upstairs and took one last glance at my room the beautiful A/C walls and the matching bed I really did love my room. I looked out across my tiny garden at the wilting plants as autumn came. *sigh* "I'm gonna really miss this place," I said to myself as I gathered my things and walked out.

I greeted the taxi driver, he took my suitcases from me and threw them into the boot of the car and grunted, pointing to the back seats. My mom was already in the car patting the seat next to her, encouraging me to sit next to her. I did.
" isn't this exciting "Y/N a new adventure, new friends, new school." This was the thing that I was scared most about. It took me almost 2 years to make one close friend and now I had to do it all over again. I could say I was scared to meet my grandparents but I would say that was more nerves than anything else. I had never met my dads side of the family before. He is Korean, he met my mom when he was in England with work. He fell in love with her and decided to move to England to be with her. He always wanted me to come to Korea with him when he went but we never could afford it. Because my dad is Korean I can speak it fluently so at least I didn't have to learn a whole new language.

Once we reached the airport we grabbed our suitcases and ran as fast as we could to the terminal. We made it just in time, just before the gate was about to close. When we boarded the plane my mom and I both heaved a sigh of relief.
"Phew that was close," she gasped trying to catch her breath. I nodded not really listening. I had only ever been on a plane once before. That was when I was 12 going on a family trip to Spain. I could barely remember what it was like to be on an airplane. I noticed a spare seat next to me I was hoping that no one would come and it next to me but someone did. He looked about my age, maybe a bit older. He had red hair, beautiful brown eyes  and close to perfect face. Without realising it I found myself staring at him. He must have noticed it to because he turned around and looked at me.
"Oh uh do you want an autograph or something?" The guy asked
"No why the hell would I want an autograph?!" I retaliated rather rudely.
"Well if you don't know who I am why where you staring at me?" He said as a cute smile crossed his lips.
"I... I wasn't staring!? Was I?" I could feel my cheeks getting warmer I started to blush. I turned away. I quickly glanced back to see the boy chuckling to himself.
"What a weirdo" I said to myself. I smiled.

as I got of the plane I couldn't help thinking about that girl, she was just so beautiful. I couldn't stop picturing her shining A/C locks and her beautiful glistening A/C eyes I wondered if I would ever see her again my thoughts where interrupted by a chorus of familiar voices coming from the other side of the airport.
"Hey j hope over here!" It was my friends RM, V, Jin, Jimin, Jungkook and Suga they had come to collect me from the airport. I tried to stop thinking about the girl and walked over to my friends.
"How was your trip?" Asked Jimin
"it was fine" I replied
"Did you meet anyone interesting" questioned Jungkook nudging me.
"I'm not quite sure" I said smiling to myself.

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