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J hope was gonna be here soon i was so excited. I was dressed in my favourite tight black crop top and short skirt, with my most beautiful lace bra and matching panties.
*knock* *knock* *knock*
I ran downstairs as fast as i could. I opened the door and just stared at him. He looked so handsome, cute and sexy all at once. He stepped inside.
"Wow nice place," he stated whilst looking around
"Yeah it is isn't" i said agreeing with him. " j hope come this way to the living room, i made us some dinner."
"Wow I didn't know you could cook," he exclaimed sounding impressed
"There are a lot of things you don't know about me," i whispered seductively into his ear. He giggled and sat down at the table and started to eat.

Once we had both finished our meal we sat down on the sofa. The silence was long and awkward. We weren't to sure of what to talk about.
"You look gorgeous by the way," j hope said
"You do to" i said whilst leaning in closer. " you look incredibly sexy in that shirt" i said whilst running my fingers through his hair. Suddenly his lips crashed into mine. Our tongues twisting around each other, whilst still interlocking j hope undid his shirt and threw it to the ground. His body was better than anything i could ever imagine i stroked his chest. We had stopped kissing now and were focused on undressing i unzipped his jeans and pulled them off, seeing his bulge. He then grabbed my top and threw it off, he then slowly slid down my skirt and threw it into a heap with the rest of my other clothes. We started intensely making out again this time rougher then before.
He lay me down on my back pushing me up against the sofa and we continued kissing.
Soon he got bored of my mouth so he moved down towards my neck. He started to suck on my sweet spot, making me moan uncontrollably. After a few minutes his mouth began to wander again he left a trail of hickeys as he moved down my body. He then trailed his fingers back up and undid my bra.
"Wow so pretty," i heard him whisper under his breath whilst staring at my breasts. He then began to suck on my nipples pulling and twisting. I moaned as the pleasure surged through my body. Once he had finished he looked at my panties.
"Did you wear these just for me?" He asked
"Maybe" i replied playfully
"Well it's a pity you won't be wearing them longer," he said whilst pulling off my panties.
He started by rubbing my clit, starting soft but getting harder and harder.
"Uuuuuhhhhggg! J Hope" i moaned, biting my lip. He just looked at me and smiled, before i realised it there were 2 fingers pushing in and out of me, getting faster and faster.
"J hope I'm gonna cum" i moaned and as i did so he pulled his fingers out. Surprised i looked up to him
"Why'd you stop?" I asked sounding slightly desperate.
"You can't cum until I'm inside of you," he teased.
"I have to tell you something" i said sounding worried by what his response would be, "um... uh i-I'm a-a-a v-virgin" i stuttered.
"Awww don't worry princess I'll be extra careful" he gave me a reassuring look. I smiled at him and nodded. I watched as he pulled down his boxers revealing his large member.
"Kneel down on all fours Y/N" he commanded i did as i was told and knelt down. Slowly he pushed his cock into my wet pussy.
"Is this alright?" he asked sounding concerned
"Yes" i replied a worried tone in my voice.
"Don't worry princess I promise it'll be fun," he stated. J hope started to trust in and out, with each thrust i moaned. It felt so good. The combination of pain and pleasure made me want to cry. (Of course i didn't) every time his tip brushed my g-spot I could feel i was ready, i tried to hold it in as long as could so we could cum at the same time. Eventually I couldn't resist any more
"J hope!"  I shouted I'm gonna cum.
"Me too" he replied, and with that we both released.
We both where paining like dogs by the end.
*knock* *knock* *knock*
Came a noise from the door.
"Y/N are you in there?" Shouted my mom from the other side of the door.
"Yes, hold on I'll be there in a sec" in ushered j hope to get dressed whilst i put my clothes back on. I went to the door and opened it
"Hi mom, grandma, grandpa how was dinner?" I asked.
"It was fine thank you sweetie," my grandpa replied. Without realising It j hope had snuck up behind me.
"Oh mom I'd like you to meet my boyfriend, J hope"
"Boyfriend!?" My mom said sounding shocked, "oh uh nice to meet you"
"The pleasure is all mine" j hope said respectfully as he bowed. "Anyways i should get going, thanks for inviting me over Y/N, see you at school."
"Yep bye" i waved as I watched him leave. I couldn't wait for our next date night.

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